Deleting a Customer Service request


I just wanted to post here a reminder about how a customer service request can be deleted.

Only the customer via WBI can delete a service request - and only if it is not presently linked to any workorder.

Once a customer service request has been accepted, it generates a workorder - and is therefore linked to the workorder generated, and can not be deleted.If after the workorder has been generated, it is determined that the service request is not actually needed, to be able to delete it, you mustfirst delete the created workorder, which removes the link to the generated service request - than the customer can delete the original service request from within their WBI. Customer logs in via WBI, views the service request, and selects the Delete menu option.

If a customer service request has been declined, the customer can delete it from their WBI login as it is not linked to anything. Customer logs in via WBI, views the service request, and selects the Delete menu option.

If there is no Delete menu option showing in a Declined service request, it may be that the AyaNova Administrator hase not set the Object.ClientServiceRequest to a right of Read/Write/Delete for that client’s security group.

  • Joyce

I have looked through the manual and online help. I hope I have not not missed this…

Once a Client Service Request has been accepted, added to a workorder - or a new workorder created - then the workorder is completed, what happens to the client service request? Does it just stay there forever, or can I add a status to the client service request to not show when they are closed? Summary - Can the client service request be removed/deleted once the workorder is complete? Thanks!


Can the client service request be removed/deleted once the workorder is complete? Thanks!

Once a workorder is generated from a service request - a link is created between the two that ties the service request to that workorder, so that the client can see via WBI when logged in the corresponding workorder to the service request, and the AyaNova user can jump to the workorder that was created as a result of the service request directly from the Customer Service Request grid.

The workorder itself must be deleted before the service request can be deleted. So if you want to keep the workorder, the service request stays too as it “points” to that workorder that was made as a result of itself.

  • Joyce

Joyce, thank you for your clarification. I guess the next question I have then is can another status be added to client service requests? For example: currently there is "Open"and “Accepted”, can a status of “Closed” or “Complete” or “Resolved” be added? I understand the link to the workorder and that works fine for me, but it would be much easier for us and our customers if they saw, and could filter their veiw by a closed, completed or resolved status. It would be even better if the status of the client request changed when the linked Workorder was marked complete. Maybe this is a feature update for the wishlist? Thank you so much for such an excellent product and stellar support…

Hi again

I believe that is already on the developer’s list to look into adding for a future version of having the client service request’s status show something like “Accepted & Closed”. I will certainly make sure it is. Thankyou for your great suggestion.

  • Joyce