Solution for error in ChilkatDOTNET2 file when loading network Generator

Network Generator setup on a 64bit server
QBI also installed
On loading the network Generator, receive the following error message in the Events “Could not load file or assembly ‘ChilkatDotNet2, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=eb5fc1fc52ef09bd’ or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format”

Do not have both the network Generator and QBI installed on the same 64bit server.

QBI is expected to be installed on a “desktop” - where you run QuickBooks and QBI, and perform your day to day work.
Whereas the network Generator would be installed on your server where the AyaNova database is networked.
When QBI is installed on a 64bit computer, it forces everything to 32bit so that QBI can run due to the limitation of the QuickBooks component QBFC. Whereas the network Generator on a 64bit computer wants to run as a 64bit service.

  1. Run the AyaNova installation again.
  2. This time, uncheck-mark the QBI so that it is NOT installed.
  3. Now when you perform the steps for testing the Generator, it will load without error.