About Loaners and Rental

With having an Inventory in Version 3 is it possible to loan a system with a serial number to a client and ensure that this system can’t be loaned out again until it is back in the Inventory?

Looks good the new version

Yes. You can check this out in the trial version.

For example:

Open the Loan Items grid to view the two sample loan items (Units navigation pane -> Loan Items grid).

Note right now both are not loaned out as no workorder number is displaying.

Open a service workorder, open the Loans subscreen in this workorder item,drop down the list of available loan items and it will display both the Wrench, and the Bucket (the two sample loan items), select the loan item Wrench 7/16" as a loan item within a service workorder, a Loaned date and time (will default to todays’s date and time, but you can edit if needed), also enter a Due Back date and time.

Save & Close that workorder.

Open the Loans Items grid (Units navigation pane -> Loan Items grid).


You will see that of the two sample Loan Items, the Wrench 7/16" will display showing service workorder # that it is loaned out on, as well as to what client, when it was loaned, and when it was due back.

If you now open another service workorder, open the Loans subscreen, when you drop down to select a Loan Item, it will only display the Bucket as it is the only available item to be loaned out.


Wehave trouble with loan items on the workorders that starts somewhere in future. We use “loan items” for items that wehave but techs don’t use every day. When someone needsthem,theycan “borrow” or when it is “loaned out” they go and loan it from the rental company.

When You create new workorder and you set it to be done somewhere in future and You know that tech will need there some loaning item You can not use it in loans because then nobody can use it untill it is marked Returned!


Hi Argo

I see what you mean. If a loan is selected in a workorder, it is no longer selectable in any other workorder until it is returned.

I also see in the AyaNova v3 Manual where it is documented that you are able to pre-select a loan item even if it is already selected.

I have placed this in the maintenance to-do list for development to look into - to see if we are able to allow pre-selection of a loan item even if already loaned out without negatively affecting the ability of the Loan Items grid in the Units navigation pane to correctly display the status of a loan item.

Thankyou for bringing this to our attention.

  • Joyce

Hi again Argo

Have discussed with AyaNova development team regarding the ability to select a Loan Item even though already loaned out.

Providing this ability would negate the ability of the Loan Items grid under the Units navigation grid to correctly identify which loan item is actually loaned out, when it is actually expected back, and actually returned- as the grid would then be showing multiple references to the same loan item for every workorder item this loan item has ever been selected in - as opposed to the workorder item the actual loan item is actually loaned out in. Providing such an ability would also mean that you could accidently select the same loan item to be loaned to multiple different clients at the same time in the future. For these reasons, at this time, we will not be editing the Loan Items feature to allow future selection is the loan item is already loaned out.

The AyaNova v3 Manual has been edited to correctly identify that once a loan item is selected in a workorder, that loan item can not be selected in another workorder until the loan item is returned.

We do realize that the Loans feature of AyaNova is not a full blown loan item reservation system - it’s certainly something that we can look into as a future feature addition as we did with the full inventory feature now available in AyaNova v3 (part requests via workorders, purchase orders, purchase order receipts, adjustments, on-hand amounts, part warehouses etc).

  • Joyce