Ayanova Workorder items displayed in Quickbooks invoice

When running QBI and converting a workorder into QBs with multiple Labor entries, The Service Rate Qty and Rate are not listed on the resulting invoice with the corresponding service details. Rather, all the individual Service Rate and Qty entries are entered as individual line items on the invoice one after another, and then all the corresponding Service Details are listed one after another. They are grouped seperately which may be confusing for the client. Is there any way to adjust this?


All billable items are listed first, and than descriptive text is listed after.As outlined in the topic QBI-invoice-has-workorder-items-out-of-order (searched for billable+items+text+qbi) the order of billable items and text is pre-set internally by the QBI v3 program and is not customizable by the end-user.

You can configure your descriptive text to include the Qty and the AyaNova Rate Name in the descriptive text section, but as AyaNova Labor Rateare linked to an existing QuickBooks Item via QBI - and the invoice that is created from the workorder will display the QuickBooks item name that is linked to the Service Labor Rate, not the AyaNova Service Labor Rate name in the billable section as it is the linked QuickBooks item that is billed out.

Do note that the quantity of the AyaNova rate is identified in the invoice as it is the quantity of the QuickBooks Item that is linked to the AyaNova Service Labor Rate that is billed out.

  • Joyce