Calendar schedulable user drop down list missing users

How are the list of dropdown schedulable users propagated? For some reason one of our techs are not showing up on the list of schedulable users on the calendar. If we select ALL in the list then his calendar shows upwith everyone elses and his name appears at the topof the calendar.I have compared his account with everyone elses and I cannot find the reason for it.


Hi Joe
What version of AyaNova are you using?

When you ask “How are the list of dropdown schedulable users propagated?” - do you mean for example in a Scheduleable Users record in a workorder entry screen when you select the drop down User list to select who will perform the service?

If so, what users show in a drop down list for User in a Schedulable User in a workorder entry screen is dependant on A. That the user is of User Type Schedulable User and B. That the user is checkmarked Active in their User entry screen

If instead you are asking about Schedulable User Groups in the Schedule screen - what schedulable users show in a Schedulable User Group depends on what users you “put” into that Schedulable User Group.

The ALL Schedulable User Group shows by default ALL schedulable users that are Active. So if other Schedulable User Groups do not show this tech, but the ALL does, that means your other Schedulable User Groups just do not have that tech selected.

Whereas any other Schedulable User Group that is also listed there regardless of what you called the group depends on what users you put into that Schedulable User Group.

Do the following:

Confirm that the schedulable user is Active and is of User Type Schedulable User in their User entry screen
Select the Schedulable User Group you want to display but that does not have this tech showing in the Schedule Calender on the right
Now click on the Edit Schedulable User Groups menu option
(URL removed as for older version no longer supported - see the latest version of AyaNova)
This opens the Schedulable User Group creation entry screen
On the extreme right (where its says Scheduleable user group) will be listed all techs that ARE to show when you select this Schedulable User Group. In the screenshot below, only Hank and Herb are listed there, so only Hank and Herb will show in the calender when this Schedulable User Group is selected.
(URL removed as for older version no longer supported - see the latest version of AyaNova)
If your tech is NOT listed there on the extreme right, add him so he is. Save and exit back to the Schedule screen.
Select this newly edited Schedulable User Group and refresh - does your tech now show?
If not, provide specifics of exactly what you see and do, as well as attach screenshots.

  • Joyce

I have version 3.6 and I am talking about the calendar screen, not workorders. I have added him to the group and that works. It’s a little weird and I couldn’t remember how that works but this is exactly what I am talking about.

Thanks for the assistance.