Difficulty changing workorder status

I am having an issue with workorder status changes not being saved when clicking Save & Exit. It’s been a long time since I worked with Ayanova and I couldn’t find anything in the help files that would explain it.

Are there certain conditions that have to be met elsewhere in the workorder before you can change the status?

This all relates to the overall status, not individual item statuses.

Hi Flood

My first suggestion would be to check your Global Settings, as perhaps you have set the Workorder Closed Status to automatically be changed to a specific status when you checkmark the Closed checkfield.

If you continue to experience an issue, please provide full step by step details - what you do exactly in a workorder from start to when you click on Save & Exit and what specifically happens (what specifically is selected in what specific field, each click of mouse, each keyboard, etc) so that I can follow along and recreate myself.
Do include what your Global Settings are for Workorder Closed Status too

  • Joyce

Hi Joyce,

My ‘Workorder closed status’ is set to ‘Workorder closed’.

The steps to reproduce are really short:
[li]Click on a Workorder number in ‘Service Workorders’ (or add a new workorder)
[/li][li]Change the overall workorder status
[/li][li]Click ‘Save and Exit’
The status will not update.

I am completely stumped. I guess I was hoping you could tell me what settings are capable of preventing the change.

I am using a template to start with some scheduled time and an overall workorder status of ‘Callout due’. In the steps above I am trying to change the status to ‘Awaiting reply’, nothing more. This happens when logged in as the superadmin. I can change anything else and it will stick.

Any suggestions?


Hi again Flood

Yes, my suggestion based on provided information was in the previous post. Did you not see it? Please do review it and provide what was asked.

Here it is again:

  1. My first suggestion would be to check your Global Settings for its Workorder Closed Status.
    DO NOT MAKE ANY CHANGES, just reply with what is there in that field.

Your initial post nor your second post did not state whether the workorder was checkmarked Closed or not, so I do not know if the above suggestion is relevant or not.
Also too, when providing steps - provide full steps, doing so gives full context so we can reproduce and determine the issue why right away - such as What is the workorder #? was this workorder created with a certain service workorder template? what is preset in that service workorder template for the relevant field? does the issue only occur with workorders created with this specific service workorder template or any service workorder template or whether service template used or not?? etc etc

I also not sure from your information what happens or where specifically you are looking at AFTER you select Save & Exit that tells you that the Workorder Status wasn’t saved as selected. for example, you did not include steps that after selecting Save & Exit, you were returned to the Service Workorders grid, where you clicked on workorder #xx which opened the workorder entry screen where you now see that the Workorder Status is set to xxxxx

I also have additional suggestions for troubleshooting below. Do provide full details so that a) full details so I can reproduce, and b) once reproduced, then we can figure out why it is happening and how to resolve.

If you continue to experience an issue, do provide full context and related information including ALL below as well as your Global Settings as requested initially:

  1. Identify the workorder # you are working with, so you are definitely referring back to that same workorder (I stress this because I recently spent a lot of time with a company providing support with final result of there actually being no issue, just that the end user kept viewing different workorders instead of the specific workorder )

  2. What is specifically selected in the Workorder Status field in this workorder entry screen (I am assuming we are NOT talking about a service workorder template) before you changed it to ‘Awaiting reply’?

4.a In this same workorder entry screen, now select the Workorder Status of "Awaiting reply’ but instead of selecting Save & Exit, what is the result of selecting just Save so that you stay in the form and can see what is now in the Workorder Status field?
4.b Does the Workorder Status field still show ‘Awaiting reply’ after you select Save? (you have the form open still, so you should be able to see)
4.d Now exit out of the workorder
4.e Where exactly are you seeing that the Workorder Status wasn’t updated. Don’t just say “on the grid” or “on the screen” - be precise: if referring to a grid, what precise column, has the grid been refreshed; if an entry screen, identify how you confirm this is the exact same workorder you just were editing and saved?
4.f Open that same exact workorder again to its workorder entry form. Is the Workorder Status field still set to the specific status ‘Awaiting reply’ ?

If you continue to experience an issue, provide step by step full details, screenshots, etc from start to finish. it could be that you could be doing something in a certain way that results in an issue or viewing something on another grid or screen that I am not aware of that makes a huge impact on the issue, or it could be that you are viewing an unrefreshed grid - provide full details so I can reproduce and help right away.

  • Joyce

Hi Joyce,

Sorry for the lack of information. There was also a bit of confusion in that my first sentence in my second post was actually what you asked for. I didn’t change anything, I was just telling you that the setting in Global Settings for ‘Workorder closed status’ === ‘Workorder closed’.

However, in the meantime I have discovered the issue. Thank you for your extensive reply and sorry to have bothered you.

You’ll either laugh or cry when you read what the problem was, but in advance I should explain that I have not been using AyaNova - it is owned by someone else I am helping out, and they put it on the back-burner for a long time.

The issue was that it is necessary to move the focus away from the field after changing the status. It’s a bit counter-intuitive, but I should have remembered. So sorry for the hassle!

Hi Flood,

I have tried to reproduce getting the issue you were experiencing performing those details you provided about the focus, but I do not experience any issue, which makes me wonder if the issue you are experiencing may be because of something else

I did the following and here is my result.
[li] I created a new workorder using a service workorder template where the status was preselected as “Awaiting service”
[/li][li] So the new workorder entry screen already had “Awaiting service” selected, no workorder number at this time as the workorder is not saved.
[/li][li]I selected a different Workorder Status called “Awaiting reply”
[/li][li]and without selecting anything else or moving elsewhere, clicked on Save.
[/li][li]When do so, the Workorder Status is as expected, correctly saved and set to “Awaiting reply”

I also did the following and here is my result.
[li] I created a new workorder using a service workorder template where the status was preselected as “Awaiting service”
[/li][li] So the new workorder entry screen already had “Awaiting service” selected, no workorder number at this time as the workorder is not saved.
[/li][li]I selected a different Workorder Status called “Awaiting reply”
[/li][li]and without selecting anything else or moving elsewhere, clicked on Save & Exit.
[/li][li] Workorder entry screen closes automatically.
[/li][li]I open that same workorder again, and the Workorder Status is as expected, correctly saved and set to “Awaiting reply”

Neither of the steps I reproduced did I click elsewhere after selecting the Workorder Status I wanted. There was no change of focus, and the issue does not occur for me.

I highly recommend that you recheck your steps as to what is happening. I look forward to hearing from you.

  • Joyce

Thanks so much for staying with this, Joyce.

My experience is definitely as I described though. It is 100% repeatable. In fact, if I make a change to the workorder status and click ‘Save’ (not ‘Save and Exit’), when I click on the Windows ‘X’ to close the window, I get asked if I want to save my changes, so there is definitely an issue of some kind at this end.

The testing I have done tonight was over a Remote Desktop Connection. Normally, after your response, I would be suspicious that somehow that is part of the problem, except that I was working directly on the machine the day I posted my first request on this subject. I will hopefully have time to try it directly on the machine again tomorrow, just to be sure, but I don’t expect the results to differ.