Purchase order report not saving correctly


I’m having an issue when saving a purchase order report that I have created, it seems to loose the data bindings to the purchase order when the report is saved. When I test the report with preview from within the editor everything works OK.
Any ideas?

Best Regards
Shawn Foster

Hi Shawn, I’m not certain I understand; when you say it loses the data bindings can you describe what you see? Is there an error when using the report outside the editor? If so what is the error message?

Hi Shawn, just wanted to check in with you, did you resolve this issue or …?

Hi John

Sorry I should have explained in more detail.
I have a detail report band for purchase order vendor details, I set the data source to be PurchaseOrderDetail, this allows me to show the vendor and some other detail in this section of the report. It works fine when I preview it, however when I save it and try to use it outside of the report editor the vendor details are not showing. I then go back into the report editor and I find that the data source for the detail band is blank.

I hope that makes more sense.

Best Regards
Shawn Foster

Hello Shawn

Export your custom report template to a file as per http://www.ayanova.com/AyaNova7webHelp/exporting_a_report_template.htm, zip up and attach
Include your exact AyaNova version (i.e. Hotfix 7)

We can import it and take a look and see what happens here with it.

  • Joyce