One of the manynew features of AyaNova v3 is the ability to set access rights for the different “parts” of a service workorder.
In the previous version of AyaNova CE, the security group a user was a member of would have the service workorder as a whole set either to FULL rights, VIEW rights or NONE rights.
With AyaNova v3, you can set rights to the different “parts” of the service workorder.
For example: let’s say that you do want your technicians to have the ability to create and edit almost all aspects of a workorder (so that they can enter in details of work performed, enter in parts, change the status so that you are made aware that the service has been entered) but you do not want the techs to be able to edit the Scheduled Users section of the workorder item so you are able to identify who was originally scheduled to perform the service. You also do not want the tech
The Security Group the technician is a member of dictates the rights to a workorder as well as to other features of AyaNova.
You would edit the security group the technicians are a member of so that the following objects have the following rights:
Object.Workorder -> Read/Write
Object.WorkorderService -> Read/Write
Object.WorkorderItem -> Read/Write
Object.WorkorderItemScheduledUser -> Read Only
Object.WorkorderItemPart -> Read/Write
Object.WorkorderItemLabor -> Read/Write
Object.WorkorderItemTask -> Read/Write
Object.WorkorderItemLoan -> Read/Write
Object.WorkorderItemOutsideService -> Read/Write
Object.WorkorderItemMiscExpense -> Read/Write
Do note when objects are hierarchical such as workorders, “children” and “grandchildren” objects can not have security access rights greater than the “root” object.
For example, if the Object.Workorder is set to Read/Write, setting the Object.WorkorderItemLabor to Read/Write/Delete will not give Delete rights to that security group for the Labor sub-screen in a workorder.