About Us page

I read the “About Us” section but wanted some more company info. How large/small is Ground Zero Tech-Works Inc./AyaNova? do you have a business plan available or at least a mission statement with long-term goals? I ask these questions because of the situation my company is in now. We are in the process of moving from a less than 15 person company to over 30 in the next few months. We use Quickbooks for all our financials but are seriously lacking in the work order/inventory/database needs. The program we have is no longer supported, it was sold off to a larger company who hasn’t the time to support it. Even the person that bought it for us isn’t sure how to get it to work so we are looking for better options. AyaNova certainly seems to fit our needs, and then some. We really only needed a clean work order screen that could update to Quickbooks so most individuals can’t access financial data. the added benefit of Spanish on some PCs and English on the rest is wonderful since we cross language barriers.

Our main concern with purchasing the software is support. The forum support seems fast, Joyce responds very quickly and everyone has nothing but good things to say about her. BUT, what happens when she is on vacation, wins the lottery, etc? We are veryworried about support issues. Can you help?

username1985 (7/8/2008)I read the “About Us” section but wanted some more company info. How large/small is Ground Zero Tech-Works Inc./AyaNova? do you have a business plan available or at least a mission statement with long-term goals? I ask these questions because of the situation my company is in now. We are in the process of moving from a less than 15 person company to over 30 in the next few months. We use Quickbooks for all our financials but are seriously lacking in the work order/inventory/database needs. The program we have is no longer supported, it was sold off to a larger company who hasn’t the time to support it. Even the person that bought it for us isn’t sure how to get it to work so we are looking for better options. AyaNova certainly seems to fit our needs, and then some. We really only needed a clean work order screen that could update to Quickbooks so most individuals can’t access financial data. the added benefit of Spanish on some PCs and English on the rest is wonderful since we cross language barriers.
Our main concern with purchasing the software is support. The forum support seems fast, Joyce responds very quickly and everyone has nothing but good things to say about her. BUT, what happens when she is on vacation, wins the lottery, etc? We are veryworried about support issues. Can you help?

Hello “Username”, since you didn’t provide a first name, even a made up one, I’m going to make one up for you and call you Bob because I like to feel like there’s a real person at the other end. :slight_smile:

Bob, we are a small privately held company that has been in business since 1996 (over a decade now, time sure flies). We have customers using AyaNova in over 61 countries and a long proven track record in our support.

Joyce is one of the owners of the company, does not regularly buy lottery tickets is young and healthy and gets plenty of excerciseand provides the majority of the forum support but note we also have direct support via email as well and Joyce is only the most visible part of our support team.

Note that with 61 countries worth of customers and the relatively small amount of questions here that for the most part are generally answered in the manual and other documentation anyway that AyaNova is clearly a very easy to use program that is relatively problem free and does not require a lot of support.

Bob, we have always believed that charging for support (aka “maintenance contracts”)is a nasty way to conduct business as there is no incentive for us to make sure it’s easy to use and problem free, in other words it keeps us on our toes.We have therefore spent the better part of a decade continually refining our software, manuals, instructional videos, website frequently asked questionsetcbased on the feedback and questions asked in support in an all out effort to ensure we get as little support questions as possible.

All that being said I’m not a sales person, we don’t have any, I can only provide you with informationand I certainly do not want you to buy AyaNova if you have any doubts about it at all.There is a lot of service management software out there and I urge you to try them all and make sure they fit your needs.

I think we have a pretty good software that meets most service organisations needs and a pretty goodproven track record but I’m a little biased so don’t take my word for it. :wink:


  • John

Thanks John.

I didn’ mean to come off any way but concerned for my org, I hope you understand. We are i a bad position because someone didn’t do their homework. Due dilligence, sir, that’s all. (And rarely use my real name on forums, webots and all, but since you all were so prompt at responding, it’s Jason. The email address I use is good.)

As I said, it certainly looks like more than what we need but none that I have found are as bi-lingual and upload the info to Quickbooks without major programming on my part. Kudos to you all. I have some questions concerning the language locale part of the program, where would I be best posting/searching for those?


Jason Crowe

Director of Special Projects

Hi Jason

For the Localization feature of AyaNova, first review the AyaNova 4 Help file (the version of AyaNova available at the time of this posting) section on Localized Text Designer (URL removed as for older version no longer supported - see the latest version of AyaNova) and the How do I create new and/or customize an existing locale?
(URL removed as for older version no longer supported - see the latest version of AyaNova) which walks you through localizing.

If you have any questions about this feature after reviewing those Help file sections, you can contact us via direct email at support@ayanova.com or post for example in the Featuressubsections of this forum

  • Joyce

username1985 (7/8/2008)Thanks John.
I didn’ mean to come off any way but concerned for my org, I hope you understand. We are i a bad position because someone didn’t do their homework. Due dilligence, sir, that’s all. (And rarely use my real name on forums, webots and all, but since you all were so prompt at responding, it’s Jason. The email address I use is good.)

Hi Jason, sorry if I seemed snippy at all, that wasn’t my intention in any way and I really do appreciate people who take the time to do the “due dilligence”, not enough people do that these days. When I sayI don’t want you to buy the software without fully examining all the options out there I really do mean it.I know that no software will be a perfect match for any business but some are closer than others and that’s all we care about that you get a good match, if it’s not our software I completely understand and our only goal it to make sure you get all the info you need to make an informed decision, we don’t want anyone to feel pressured even the tiniest bit into anything and we don’t want them to spend a cent with us unless they are completely confident it will match their needs.

Please take as long as you need and make full use of our support and trial software or request a fully licensed trial if you feel anything is limiting in the trial as it is.

I understand completelyabout not using your real name, no worries. :slight_smile:

Since you mentioned programming please note that AyaNova comes with a full developers API built in for free and there is more info about that here


in case you ever find a need to go beyond what you can do in AyaNova and it’s various add-on’s (not that you should have to, it’s just there as an option).

  • John

Thanks for the reply. I’m building a box today for it.