Adding Attachment such as Photos to Reports

Hi, We are looking at being able to add pictures (from an attached document in the service workorder) to a report. For example, if we were repairing a device and the customer required a picture of the repaired device in a report; how do we create a report so that is will print out with the picture located in the report itself?

resolveits (11/12/2007)Hi, We are looking at being able to add pictures (from an attached document in the service workorder) to a report. For example, if we were repairing a device and the customer required a picture of the repaired device in a report; how do we create a report so that is will print out with the picture located in the report itself?


Isee what you are looking for but AyaNova does not have a datafield that equates to an attached document, and therefore you would not be able to specified to print an attached documentautomaticaly on a report template.

I do have a suggestion:

-Create a picture of the repaired unit
-Save it to a shared location on the server
-In the workorder entry screen where the service was documented, use the Documents menu option to point towards this shared location and image file.
-Now anyone that also has access to this shared location can using the Documents, get directed to the speciifc location and image relating to this repaired unit picture
-And you can use your own image program to view it, and print it out, so that you can attach it to the workorder printout report if needed.

[Post update: Note that AyaNova 6 now has the Wiki feature that you can upload images and files right to the AyaNova database so everyone can access regardless of their connection]

  • Joyce