How do I attach the vendor to the tenant’s workorder… I don’t see a drop down to select a vendor assigned to the workorder or is there a way to add a dropdown to select the vendor
El Paso, TX
How do I attach the vendor to the tenant’s workorder… I don’t see a drop down to select a vendor assigned to the workorder or is there a way to add a dropdown to select the vendor
El Paso, TX
Hi Jeninne
I am not sure I understand why you would want to “attach the vendor to the tenant’s workorder” to be able to answer your question. Perhaps if you provide more details about what it is that you do, what it is that you want to track, etc I can provide suggestions.
A service workorder is assigned to a Client.
A Client can be anyone, anything you want to track service for. From your message, this would be a Tenant in your case.
The service workorder is for work needed for that Client (tenant)
See more about Clients suggested use starting with Feature Details > Clients > What do I use a Client for?
A service workorder can have multiple workorder items - each workorder item can have identified a specific Unit owned by that Client that needs service.
See more suggestions for use of the workorder items of a workorder at Feature Details > Service Workorders > Service Workorder entry screen > Service Workorder Items
A Unit is anything “owned”, “assigned” “tied” to the Client - for example, if your Clients are tenants, perhaps Units would be used to identify various equipment in the apartment such as washer, dryer, hot water tank, couch, etc.
Also see more about suggested use for the Unit subsection of the workorder item Feature Details > Service Workorders > Service Workorder entry screen > Service Workorder Items SubItems > Unit
And more about Units starting with Feature Details > Units > What do I use a Unit for?
Identify one or more “scheduleable resources” that will be providing to this Client in the Scheduled Users subsection of the workorder along with the scheduled date and time - what is scheduled here shows also in the graphical Schedule screen
Also see more about the Scheduled Users subsection of the workorder item at Feature Details > Service Workorders > Service Workorder entry screen > Service Workorder Items SubItems > Scheduled Users
I am not sure I understand why you would want to “attach the vendor to the tenant’s workorder” to be able to answer your question. Perhaps if you provide more details about what it is that you do, what it is that you want to track, etc I can provide suggestions.
Include such as, what relation is the Vendor to the Client (tenant)?
What is that you want to track about this Vendor?
What is it that the Vendor does?
Is the Vendor providing service? Or are you sending the Vendor something to be repaired.
Have you checked out suggested use for the Outside Service subsection of the workorder item Feature Details > Service Workorders > Service Workorder entry screen > Service Workorder Items SubItems > Outside Service