Ayanova 3.3.0 Fails to Start

While editing a template, Ayanova ( encountered an error and close. When trying to restart the following error appears. There seems to be no problem in the log.

AyaNova was unable to start

Depending on how early in startup the problem occurred,
a detailed log of the problem with suggestions may have
been saved to the file AyaLog.txt
located at: file:\E:\MIS_Ireland\Users\gareth.davies\AyaNova 3

Error details:
Unhandled exception:

This program requires database schema version 25
The current database schema is version 28


Stack Trace:
at GZTW.AyaNova.BLL.AyaBizUtils.CheckDataAvailable()
at GZTW.AyaNova.BLL.AyaBizUtils.Initialize()
at AyaNova.Form1.()


The error message indicates that the AyaNova database has been upgraded to the latest version, but this computer has an older version of the AyaNova program files

Either someone ran the latest version of the AyaNova program against the AyaNova database, or installed an optional add-on that upgraded the database

Perform the update steps for your version to update to the last released version for 3. Make sure all AyaNova related components are updated (QBI, WBI, Generator, etc)

  • Joyce