AyaNova 7 latest changes and fixes

AyaNova 7.5.x versions:

(Full update steps at bottom of this post)

RELEASE May 23 2018

The following items were added / changed

All installers

case 3593 - Privacy policy: GDPR privacy policy text added to all license agreements

AyaNova windows 7.5 patch 8

case 3549 - Client selector dialog now ensures valid client selection rather than giving error on invalid one
case 3563 - Removed unused company address UI from global settings form
case 3589 - Privacy: automatically redact DB server password in connection string from local log file and support information widget
case 3594 - ClientRemover plugin: New plugin installed by default to allow the manager account to completely delete a client and all their associated records including but not limited to service workorders, quotes, p.m. and units in one click

GZTW.AyaNova.BLL.dll 7.5 Patch 8 (Affects all interfaces)

case 3551 - License information display fixed to properly display all license types
case 3581 - Search not working consistently with non latin text on MS SQL server
case 3588 - Purchase order not cleaning up part requests on order for workorder if created, set on order and set non-ordered all before any save is made
case 3596 - Workorder delete now properly allows delete of workorder even if it’s set as the last workorder on a Unit or Client record
case 3597 - Unit delete now works even when unit has meter reading records (they are now deleted with the Unit)
case 3598 - Client delete now works even when client has User login accounts (they are now deleted with the Client)
case 3599 - Attempting to delete a workorder with part requests on order now clearly explains why the workorder can not be deleted
case 3600 - Client delete now works when client has Client Note records (they are now deleted with the Client)
case 3601 - Client Service Requests are now deleted when the corresponding Client is deleted
case 3602 - Client delete now works when a client is set as a drop ship target on any purchase orders (PO Drop ship to client field is reset to empty before client is deleted)
case 3604 - Developer API users only affected: Grid sort and filter code would silently fail and not sort at all if first column in XML criteria is missing the “SORT” element

ImportExportCSV Plugin 7.5 Patch 1

case 3606 - Enhancement: now checks all potentially affected objects in AyaNova database for duplicate names and issues warning on startup with list so user can rectify duplicates in AyaNova.
This avoids a potential issue where duplicate named objects in AyaNova are randomly chosen to match incoming import / update data.

QBI plugin 7.5 Patch 5

case 3241 - Fixed some text hard to read on grid caption due to Windows changes

QBOI plugin 7.5 Patch 3

case 3565 - Enhancement to handle duplicate data intermittently being sent by QuickBooks API servers (new, different issue with QB API, not the similar one from case 3520 fixed in December 2017)

AyaNova RI 7.5 Patch 3

case 3566 - Signature box drags page around not allowing signing due to browser changes (note: this was previously released in RI patch 2 but not documented)
case 3575 - Workorder close checkbox issue allowing user with insufficient rights to close workorder and also allowing close workorder without first setting to service completed

AyaNova WBI 7.5 Patch 2

case 3266 - Security fix: an potential security issue was advised from a 3rd party component vendor and a fix was implemented by modifying the web.config file as per vendor instructions
case 3260 - UI improvements to login form


AyaNova setup file released Dec 11 2017

GZTW.AyaNova.BLL.dll 7.5 Patch 4 - Database schema update to resolve “duplicate key” error issue when using both QBOI and QBI add-on’s with the same AyaNova database on Microsoft SQL server (does not affect Firebird users or those who are not running both QBOI and QBI)

QBOI 7.5 Patch 2 – Intermittently seeing a “duplicate key” message immediately after initial login to QuickBooks online but before QBOI user interface has come up.
(note this is a separate issue from the other “duplicate key” issue above)

ToMSSQL utility 7.5 Patch 1 – A change to a database index created when migrating AyaNova database from Firebird to Microsoft SQL server.

AyaNova 7.5 (patch 7) released Dec 6 2017

CHANGE QBOI – QBOI optional add-on has been updated to be compatible with QuickBooks online changes coming Jan 1 2018

AyaNova 7.5 (patch 7) released November 30 2017

NEW FEATURE – New feature allows for fetching license key directly from our server. This removes the hassle some users experienced pasting a license key into AyaNova.


Update your AyaNova to the latest version following the steps in your online Help documentation:

Steps to update if your AyaNova is a stand-alone configuration - http://www.ayanova.com/AyaNova7webHelp/index.html?upgrading_if_stand-alone_ayan2.htm
Steps to update if your AyaNova is networked using Firebird Server - http://www.ayanova.com/AyaNova7webHelp/index.html?upgrading_if_networked_firebir.htm
Steps to update if your AyaNova is networked using SQL Express - http://www.ayanova.com/AyaNova7webHelp/index.html?upgrading_if_networked_sql_exp.htm
Steps to update if your AyaNova is networked using SQL Server - http://www.ayanova.com/AyaNova7webHelp/index.html?upgrading_if_networked_sql_server.htm

AyaNova 7.5 (patch 6) released November 14 2017

FIX – fixes issue with slow loading of AyaNova due to issue with popups. Popup will now not attempt to display more than five notifications at a time and will indicate the total number of notifications beyond 5 at the bottom of the popup window, as well as not delay loading AyaNova regardless of the number of popup notifications the logged in user has not yet deleted.

AyaNova 7.5 (patch 5) re-released Oct 9 2017

ADDED: setup now includes support for Sage 50 / Quantum 2018 We invite you to check out http://www.ayanova.com/service_management_Peachtree_interface.htm for more details
DEPRECATED: removed installation support for older Peachtree 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011

AyaNova 7.5 (patch 5) re-released July 28 2017

ADDED: ability to install our latest optional add-on QBOI (QuickBooks Online Interface)
We invite you to check out http://www.ayanova.com/work_order_QBOnline_interface.htm for more details

If you would like to trial QBOI with a copy of your existing subscribed AyaNova:
[li]Contact us via support@ayanova.com that you would like to trial the QBOI before purchase[/li][li]Confirm that you are at the latest version of AyaNova 7.5 (patch 5)[/li][li]Include all text from your Help -> About AyaNova[/li][li]And we will send out a 30 day temporary Activation Key that includes your existing subscriptions PLUS the QBOI subscription[/li][li]Download the latest AyaNovaSetup.exe from http://www.ayanova.com/downloads.htm[/li][li] Apply your 30 day temporary Activation Key that includes your existing subscriptions PLUS the QBOI subscription[/li][li]Follow the QBOI installation steps http://www.ayanova.com/qboi7webhelp/index.html?installationdatabaseconfiguration.htm (this just overwrites your existing program files plus adds the QBOI program files[/li][li]Purchase via http://www.ayanova.com/purchase_AyaNova_online.htm[/li][/ul]

AyaNova 7.5 (patch 5) released June 8 2017

FIX Resolved issue with scanning UPC codes into workorder Parts

QBI 7.5 (Patch 2) released June 1 2017

FIX resolves issue when re-running Tools -> Preferences does not provide the ability to change previously set preference for Classes, and previously set preference for Terms.

GZTW.AyaNova.BLL.dll release May 9 2017 to resolve license issue with AyaNova Lite versions only.
This patch affects AyaNova Lite only.

AyaNova 7.5 (patch 4) released March 28 2017

EXPANDED workorder item grid in a workorder now has available a column to display the already selected Unit in a saved workorder.
FIX Resolved issue of TEST CASE 3119 showing as the data on reports for Workorder Item Type and Priority.
CHANGE Removed the template field “Use current part prices on generated order” from Customize as was not to show on standard service workorder, only template.
CHANGE Sample database now includes pre-sets for RI client user report template, custom text and whether can view wiki files associated with the client’s workorder.

RI 7.5 (patch 1) released March 28 2017

FIX Client user menu option now accessible when logged in using small screen (i.e. mobile)

AyaNova 7.5 (patch 3) released March 14 2017

FIX Resolved AyaNova.exe null reference exception “Object reference not set to an instance of an object” when select Part Requests menu option in PO
FIX Resolved AyaNova.exe null reference exception “Object reference not set to an instance of an object” when select Restock menu option in PO
CHANGE Closed column in PO Items not to be editable by end user as a PO Receipt only is to update this column.

QBI 7.5 (patch 1) released March 14 2017

FIX Resolved map information window not displaying link/unlink and cancel buttons (were out of view)

PTI 7.5 (patch 1) released March 14 2017

FIX Resolved map information window not displaying link/unlink and cancel buttons (were out of view)

AyaNova 7.5 (patch 1) released March 10 2017

FIX Restored Client Finder’s Search control to the front of the form window.
FIX Tax codes window menu option edited to remove non-needed components.
FIX Set all parts to used menu option now disregards parts already set to Used in Service and no longer shows exception if there are already Used in Service.
FIX Workorder’s Parts subsection menu Set all parts to used menu option now when selected, correctly redraws the screen to display (previously was setting, just not showing until saved or moused over).

AyaNova 7.5 released March 5 2017

NEW Schedule Marker grid in User navigation pane displays all Schedule Marker / Follow Ups assigned specifically to this user, to the Dispatch Zone this user is a member of, to the Region this user is a member of, to the Scheduleable User Group this user is a member of or if assigned to Global. Filter and sort to find your schedule marker!

NEW Schedule Marker grid in Administration navigation pane displays all assigned Schedule Marker / Follow Ups for all users, all Dispatch Zones, all Regions and all Scheduleable User Groups or if assigned to Global. Very useful to filter and sort to find specific schedule markers!

NEW Service workorder/quote/PM templates each now have a setting that will dictate when generating the order from the template, whether to use the part price in the template OR to use the current part price from the part record itself. Useful when a template was created before part prices were updated.

NEW ImportExportCSV now includes import and export for Part Categories, Priorities, Unit Servce Types, Workorder Statuses, Workorder Categories, Workorder Item Types and Rates.

NEW ImportExportCSV Duplicate option now includes the ability to update existing Rates

ADDED Added the bool field Completed to the Schedule Marker / Follow Up screen with which can filter and sort in the new Schedule Marker grids

ADDED Command line option to use your operating system’s default font in AyaNova.

ADDED Purchase Order detailed type report templates now includes Unit of Measure datafield in the PurchaseOrderListPurchaseOrderList dataset which can be easily dragged into any existing/new Detailed type report template from the Purchase Order grid

ADDED ToMSSQL now reports on specific broken GUIDs if applicable, to facilitate troubleshooting of record issues in Firebird database.

ADDED Show all… - Right-click grid option and menu option added for Loan Items to have AyaNova automatically filter and display the workorders where this loan item was previously and presently selected.

ADDED as of AyaNova 7.5 Added two additional Unit Display Formats in Global Settings to facilitate those without Unit Models to distinguish the correct unit to select by its Description.

IMPROVED TOMSSQL utility will now display the specific GUID of a bad record when generating a SQL AyaNova database to help in troubleshooting

FIX Scheduleable user’s Default Warehouse selected in their user record will now only show if the region assigned compliments the region assigned to the user.

FIX In a User record that has been assigned to a specific region, if a part warehouse is then selected that has been assigned to a different specific Region, AyaNova will now advise “Invalid Warehouse; not in user’s region” and not allow saving the users record until a warehouse with an accessible Region is selected.

CHANGE change of project form layout.

CHANGE Quick Notify will list only active users subscribed to the Quick Notification

CHANGE AyaScript installation no longer overwrites an existing AyaScript.xml file

FIX Loan item’s status now is correctly updated when deselected in a previously selected workorder

CHANGE Added back button option to top of selectable reports in RI for ease of returning to previous page

CHANGE Schedule form no longer shows the menu options to create new schedule marker or new service workorder if the logged in user does not have sufficient rights.

FIX Removed exposed columns WorkorderItem.Label.HasRequestDate and WorkorderItem.Label.UnitName that were incorrectly accessible via workorder item grid.

FIX Exception issue resolved for when moving the column FileType to furthermost left in the Administration’s Files in Database grid.

CHANGE Removal of UnitName and HasRequestDate properties showing in template when not relevant.

CHANGE Expanded business rule to account for RI specific issues of confirming a part is selected before a part record in a workorder can be saved Used in Service.

CHANGE A quote (or PM) created from a quote template (or a PM template) will now have the same quantity of parts as set in the template

CHANGE Infragistic controls changed to version 12

IMPROVED WBI signature field displays larger for ease of entry

IMPROVED WBI signature parsing code added to handle unusual browser canvas implementations

IMPROVED RI signature field displays larger for ease of entry

IMPROVED RI signature parsing code added to handle unusual browser canvas implementations

IMPROVED Wikipage AND wikifiles will now be replicated to the generated wo/quote/PM from the wo/quote/PM template’s Wikipage and wikifiles.

FIX RI - Now when edit a Task item in an RI service workorder, when the screen refreshes, the cursor/view will return to the view of the task item that was just viewing.

FIX RI - A part’s price will no longer zero out when select a different warehouse.

FIX WBI Schedule Marker and Project menu options now display correctly based on user’s security group rights set for these objects

FIX WBI security rights for schedule marker now applied.

AyaNova 7.4 (patch 1) released May 20 2016

CHANGE If you would like to use your OS default font, add the text use_os_fonts to your AyaNova icon shortcut properties on your desktop so that the command line is “C:\Program Files (x86)\Ground Zero Tech-Works Inc\AyaNova\AyaNova.exe” use_os_fonts
Otherwise AyaNova desktop UI will use its own font.

FIX Resolves issue with license checking code that resulted in error “Error: Current user not authorized to open a Region record” in certain specific data circumstances

FIX License checking code now uses native datetime format in all areas so there is no locality based conversion which now prevents error “String was not recognized as a valid DateTime” on start up if computer’s short date format was to show the actual name of the month

AyaNova 7.4 released May 15 2016

CHANGE To subscription support and updates.

June 8th 2017 release

The latest version of AyaNova.exe is and as of 2017-07-28 now includes ability to install our QBOI (QuickBooks Online Interface)
The latest version of GTZW.AyaNova.BLL.dll is
The latest version of QBI is
The latest version of PTI is

Single file patches available upon request.

Full steps to update your AyaNova to the latest version following the steps in your online Help documentation:

NOTE Update steps in the online Help documentation have been updated. You may need to clear your cache to view the latest.

Steps to update if your AyaNova is a stand-alone configuration - http://www.ayanova.com/AyaNova7webHelp/index.html?upgrading_if_stand-alone_ayan2.htm
Steps to update if your AyaNova is networked using Firebird Server - http://www.ayanova.com/AyaNova7webHelp/index.html?upgrading_if_networked_firebir.htm
Steps to update if your AyaNova is networked using SQL Express - http://www.ayanova.com/AyaNova7webHelp/index.html?upgrading_if_networked_sql_exp.htm
Steps to update if your AyaNova is networked using SQL Server - http://www.ayanova.com/AyaNova7webHelp/index.html?upgrading_if_networked_sql_server.htm

Update steps for existing optional add-ons - repeat the optional add-on setup file installation steps, and recheck all configuration steps to confirm still valid.
RI - http://www.ayanova.com/AyaNova7webHelp/index.html?step-1-ri-installation.htm
WBI - http://www.ayanova.com/wbi7webHelp/index.html?wbi_server_installation.htm
MBI - http://www.ayanova.com/AyaNova7webHelp/index.html?mbi_installation_and_configura.htm
OLI, OutlookScheduleExport, ExportToXLS, ImportExportCSV - http://www.ayanova.com/AyaNova7webHelp/index.html?plugins.htm
PTI - http://www.ayanova.com/AyaNova7webHelp/index.html?plugins.htm
QBI - http://www.ayanova.com/AyaNova7webHelp/index.html?plugins.htm[/QUOTE]