2011-04-04 14:27:36,371 [2536] FATAL AyaNova.clsMain - First initialization and connect attempt
Hi jfarlow
Hi Joshua
By the error message, it looks like your config.txt file for the networked computer may be incorrect.
Because if using network Firebird Server, your database should only be referred to as the name AYANOVA, and not include a path.
Send the following and I can help you confirm:
- Copy of ayalog.txt file from your server renamed to SERVERayalog.txt
- Copy of config.txt file from your server renamed to SERVERconfig.txt
- Copy of ayalog.txt file from your networked computer renamed to NETWORKayalog.txt (so that I know which is which)
- Copy of config.txt file from your networked computer renamed to NETWORKconfig.txt
- Copy of your aliases.conf file from your Firebird program folder that you edited.
- zip all these files into one zip file and attach
- Joyce
Here you go.
Hi again jfarlow
Thank you.
The issue is how you have entered your database in the config.txt
When using network Firebird Server configuration, in your config.txt the DATABASE= should just be the name you gave your database in the aliases.conf file.
For example, your aliases.conf file has:
[i][b]AYANOVA[/b] = C:\Ayanova\database\AYANOVA.FDB[/i]
So this means your config.txt file on the server AND on all networked computers should have as its connection string :
Note how Database=AYANOVA does not include the path nor the file name, instead it is supposed to only have the name given to the database as set in the Firebird aliases.conf file.
[li]Make that change in your server’s config.txt
[/li][li]Run AyaNova, confirm can log in.
[/li][li]And replace the config.txt file on your networked computer so also using the edited config.txt
[/li][li]Now run AyaNova on the networked computer and confirm now can connect.
[/li][li]Don’t forget to also copy that edited config.txt to the installation folder for your networked computers that have not yet had AyaNova installed, so using the correct config.txt
- Joyce
Hi again Joshua
We are always striving to improve AyaNova and its documentation. And if something didn’t make sense, I would like to edit it so that it does.
By all means, could you let me know what specific information/example/etc would make step #6 of the networking Firebird Server steps better identify that the database name is to be entered in the config.txt, not the path and file name so that this does not happen for any other AyaNova users in the future. Would like to have your opinion, as it happened to you.
- Joyce
the information helped. I did not realize about that. Incidentally, when I upgrade users from 4.x to 7.x, I get an interesting error. When it prompts me to change the confix.txt, I say yes (because the server is different anyways), but it doesn’t fully change. The config.txt file points to: “c:\ayanova\database\AYANOVA” - so I end up having to change it to just say “AYANOVA”.
Hi again Joshua
“What” prompts you to change the config.txt?
“What” does not fully change?
Not sure I understand what you are getting at also about The config.txt file points to: “c:\ayanova\database\AYANOVA” - so I end up having to change it to just say “AYANOVA” - as that is what my previous post was about, that you can NOT have the config.txt file if using network Firebird point to c:\ayanova\database\AYANOVA, instead you MUST specify the database name you gave in the aliases.conf file, which is AYANOVA
- Joyce