Ayanova Command line

There is no mention of Ayanova command line switches and options if there are any?

Does anyone have an ideas if it’s possible to call Ayanova from an external appication and have it open a client or work order etc?


amilojko (2/5/2010)There is no mention of Ayanova command line switches and options if there are any?

Does anyone have an ideas if it’s possible to call Ayanova from an external appication and have it open a client or work order etc?


Hi Amilojko, yes you can do that because AyaNova registers an URL handler when it’s installed which basically does that same thing.

See the AyaNova Link topic in the online help.

It’s in the “Feature details” section near the bottom or just open the help and search for AyaNova Link.

The URL handler just passes an AyaNova “TypeAndID” value as the argument to AyaNova.exe.

Specifically see the second section on that page about making a desktop link to a client or unit.

In the help file it mentions clients and units specifically but it applies to any type of object in AyaNova.

Now what the registered URL type AyaNova: does is windows just passes the Type and ID as a command line argument to AyaNova exe so you can do the same.

This all verges on the borders of the AyaNova developers API though because you need to know the internal ID number of an object and it’s AyaNova RootObjectType.

In the user interface we’ve exposed copying that info for only a select few objects with the right click handler in the grid lists however in practice you can pass any rootobject type and ID to AyaNova.exe though you need to know the id and type to do it.

It gives me an idea though, I could whip up some code to use with the AyaScript plugin we just released that will display the root object type and ID for any of the single objects you can edit in AyaNova that have a plugin menu which is pretty much all the important ones.

I’ll put it on the list to do that and post it in the developers section of the forum.

So the bottom line is yes it can do that for you easily but getting the ID number is a little complicated at the moment for anything other than the built in feature.

On a side note you can do a lot of powerful things with the developers API and now with the AyaScript plugin it’s easier than ever, in fact you can do anything that you can do within AyaNova in code, scripts, or external programs.

See the developers section of this forum for more info:


Thanks John,

I do have allwork order guidsbut I am trying to figure out what the root object ID is,

3 is client.

I’ll have to figure if I can make this work with the program I’m making that works with Ayanova.

It also opens a new Ayanova session for every call.


amilojko (2/7/2010)Thanks John,

I do have allwork order guidsbut I am trying to figure out what the root object ID is,

3 is client.

I’ll have to figure if I can make this work with the program I’m making that works with Ayanova.

It also opens a new Ayanova session for every call.


Hi Amilojko, just posted a script to get the Root Object type enum value and object id, it’s a script for our AyaScript plugin

The AyaScript plugin is available off the plugins page of our website, you can copy and paste the sample script into AyaScript. The sample script is in the development forum here:


Yes it will open a new session for each call using that method, perhaps if you can tell me what your overall goal is I can suggest a better way to accomplish it.

The root object type enumeration value for a workorder object in general is 9 and for a WorkorderService object in particular is 34 (can’t remember which one it is for opening them)