AyaNova was Unable to Start

After installing AyaNova V3 on a SQL Server server and editing the AyaNova.exe.config file for SQL Server, AyaNova wouldn’t start.

Received following error:

AyaNova was unable to start. There is a problem with the application configuration file: The application configuration file could not be found.

Running on Windows 2000 SP4 (no firewall) with SQL Server 2005.

Any help is appreciated.

Thank you,


Hi Kathy

What steps of the “Installation of AyaNova using SQL Server database engine” from the AyaNova v3 Manual starting on page 552 have been completed?

What step are you at now?

  • Joyce

Hi Joyce.

I’ve completed steps through #3 of 5. Configure Access for the AyaNova program on page 554.

When trying to open AyaNova, in step 4, that’s when I get the error.

The configuration file is indeed there (renamed from AyaNova.exe.config.MSSQLSERVER_VERSION to AyaNova.exe.config and edited in Notepad).

Here is my edited line:

<add key=“DataBaseConnectionString” value=“data source=CEOTest;initial catalog=AyaNova;Integrated Security=true;” />

I now get the following error when trying to start:

AyaNova was unable to start

Depending on how early in startup the problem occurred,
a detailed log of the problem with suggestions may have
been saved to the file AyaLog.txt
located at: file:\C:\Program Files\Ground Zero Tech-Works Inc\AyaNova 3

Error details:
Unhandled Exception:
Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
Inner exception: Cannot open database requested in login ‘AyaNova’. Login fails.
Login failed for user ‘MASTER\steinle’.

Stack Trace:
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.InternalInvoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture, Boolean isBinderDefault, Assembly caller, Boolean verifyAccess)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.InternalInvoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture, Boolean verifyAccess)
at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture)
at CSLA.Server.DataPortal.CallMethod(Object obj, String method, Object[] params)
at CSLA.Server.DataPortal.Fetch(Object Criteria, DataPortalContext context)
at CSLA.DataPortal.Fetch(Object Criteria)
at CSLA.Security.BusinessIdentity.LoadIdentity(String UserName, String Password)
at CSLA.Security.BusinessPrincipal…ctor(String Username, String Password)
at CSLA.Security.BusinessPrincipal.Login(String Username, String Password)
at GZTW.AyaNova.BLL.AyaBizUtils.()
at GZTW.AyaNova.BLL.AyaBizUtils.Initialize()
at AyaNova.Form1.()

When I close that window, I get:

Application has generated an exception that could not be handled. Process id=0x3cc(972), Thread id=0x1390(5008). Click OK to terminate the application. Click CANCEL to debug the application.

Thanks for any help,


Hi again Kathy

Wanted to confirm where you were in the steps. You have completed the creation of the AyaNova SQL database and now are at step #5 of configuring access for the AyaNova program.

When you created the AyaNova SQL database, you also had to enter the SQL Server connection string. As that step is already completed - what was the connection string used for that step?

Did you also use Integrated Security=true as part of the connection string when you performed the step to create the AyaNova SQL database?

When using the Integrated Security=true than the current Windows account credidentials are used for authentication. Are you logged into the computer as the same Windows user when you created the AyaNova SQL database? As if that Windows user doesn’t have authentication, you won’t connect.

Why are you not using the SQL User ID and Password as exampled in the AyaNova.exe.config.MSSQLSeRVER_VERSION?

When you initially installed and setup this paid for SQL Server, did you select Windows authentication only or Mixed or ?

  • Joyce

Yes, I completed the section on Creation of SQL Server AyaNova database, using the following connection string:

Server=CEOTest;initial catalog=master;Integrated Security=true;

Just tested the ToMSSQL.exe again and got the message: “Connections are good. You can now migrate your data.”

I am logged into the server the same way after connecting to the database and trying to open AyaNova after editing the config file.

We are not using the SQL User ID and Password because we are trying to use Microsoft’s recommended procedures and policies by using Windows Authentication instead of Mixed mode. It’s a more secure setup.

When the SQL Server was set up, Windows authentications only was used.

Any ideas?



Hi Kathy

From the C:\Program Files\Ground Zero Tech-Works Inc\AyaNova 3 folder, please zip up the AyaNova.exe.config file using WinZip and attach.

Also zip up the Ayalog.txt file and attach.

Thank you

  • Joyce

This is to post information for other AyaNova users that areusing the SQL Server configuration.

This issue was determined to be a result ofone of the steps for SQL Server configuration nothaving been completed - the AyaNova SQL database was not created - and therefore a connection could not be made.

We have updated the AyaNova v3 Manual and the Online Manual with additional screenshots and instructions when using the ToMSSQL.exe utility to create the AyaNova SQL database as the previous steps was not clear enough on what needed to be done to create the AyaNova SQL database.

Thank you Kathy for bringing this to our attention.

  • Joyce