What is the best way to create and track lot numbers for parts?
AyaNova CE does not have any inventory control.
AyaNova v3.2.7 does.
Take a look at the forum topic on inventory use with AyaNova v3:
And another topic identifying two possible ways to set up warehousing via AyaNova v3:
But to get a detailed overview of inventory in AyaNova v3, please review the AyaNova v3 Manual section (download from http://www.ayanova.com/download.htm )“Inventory Navigation Pane” starting page 307 which details information on inventory including parts, purchase orders, purchase order receipts, part adjustments and more.
Also review the section “Part Warehouses” starting page 516
If you are presently using AyaNova CE (as this topic was posted in the AyaNova CE section of the forum) I invite you to also review the answers to common questions from AyaNova CE users interested in moving up to AyaNova v3 on our FAQ Answers web page
- Joyce