Is there any way to mass close work orders via SQL statement using SQL express a,d conversly, any way to remove the closed flag from a work order that has already been flagged as closed?
PGPhantom (4/23/2008)Is there any way to mass close work orders via SQL statement using SQL express a,d conversly, any way to remove the closed flag from a work order that has already been flagged as closed?
There is no way to do either via a sql commandand making changes directlyin the sql database will cause massive damage to the logical structure ofyour database which we will not provide support to fix other than recommending a restore from backup.
The good news is that closing work orders programmatically is easy and safe if you use the AyaNova developers API, anything you can do in the AyaNova user interface you can do through program code using the developers api. The developers API is designed for exactly this kind of scenario allowing anyone to make safe changes to the AyaNova database without risk of damage of any kind. The developers API manages a huge amount of complexity automatically behind the scenes.
See the developers api forum here for more information.
There is no way to open a closed work order, that is by design. This is not a mistake or an oversite on our part, AyaNova performs dozens of operations on areas all over the database when you close a work order including updating important historical data, finalizing inventory totals, service bank totals, notification items etc etc etc. A closed work order is permanently closed. It’s far more than a “flag”, closing a work order causes a chain reaction of updates that can not be reversed without permanent damage to the logical structure of the database.