Combine templates

I would like to combine two report templates onto a single sheet of paper - Report A is on one side of the page and Report B is on the opposite side. Any ideas?

VtComputing (9/9/2009)I would like to combine two report templates onto a single sheet of paper - Report A is on one side of the page and Report B is on the opposite side. Any ideas?

Other than putting the printed page from the first print upsidedown back in the printer and then selecting to print the second report, don’t really have any other suggestion.

It is not possible to combine two report templates together to print at the same time, as each is a separate print job.

  • Joyce

Joyce, Joyce, Joyce. My hopes for you are dashed upon the rocks of dispair:crying:

I noticed it is possible to insert a page break. Is there a way of inserting (copy & paste) Report B after the page break so that the combined report is two pages long? We can duplex print on our network printer…

I see what you are getting at, butcan not see how it could be done - because for example a Detailed type report template for a service workorder is made up of DetailReport bandsbound to the datasource WorkorderServiceDetailed (and each of its subbands - i.e. for workorder item, for Scheduled Users, etc). And although you can (i.e. via the Report Explorer tab) make a second set of bound bands and then via their properties bind each bands datasouce to WorkorderServiceDetailed and it will appear to work while in the report template editor; butwhen you save and exit out of the report template designer and go to print that report itself, nothing will print in that second set because it can only be bound to the first set - meaning that the report template will automatically unbind any additional manually bound bands after it has been shut down out of the report template designer. There is no way that I am aware of this around this.

You can certainly try it out yourself in the report template designer, but I do not see a way of doing this.

For two separate reports where each has the bands bound to the datasource, sorry, but I do not have a suggestion if wanting to print two separate reports other than print out the first report, thanflip the page over manually and print the second report on the other side.

Now I am going to go cry as I have failed you. :frowning:

  • Joyce

Oh bother!

I can’t complain though. This is the first time since we’ve been using AN (ca. 3 years) that you haven’t been able to work your magic. :crying:

Many thanks for your trouble.
