Contract against Unit not Customer


I’ve been playing with the Beta and have a question with relation to contracts.

Looking @ the Client, the contract shows up with the contract type and expire date, how does this work if the customer has 6 items with only 3 under contract? Is it possible to have the contract on the unit instead of the client or do I need to create 2 clients with the units under contract on one and another client record with the units not under contract?

This is not uncommon with a clients who may upgrade some of their equipment and put the new items under contract while their older machines would be Time and Material.


Hello Ian

At present, Clients and Head Offices can be linked to contracts. Units themselves are not linked to contracts. If a client has a contract selected, when within a service workorder, the settings of that contract would affect discounts for all parts, and affect availability selection of rates regardless of the unit selected within the workorder item.

Do note that you can edit the discount when a part is selected within a service workorder - it is a time saving step by having the discount entered in the contract so that the discount comes up automatically for the user so they do not forget.

Check out the latest Help documentation on Contracts too

Thank you for your posting.