Contracts &/or Preventative Maintenance Expiry Tracking by Unit

I cannot seem to locate either in the Trial version of AY3 or in the Users Manual the steps required to set an expiry date for either a Contract or Preventative Maintenance program that is attached/linked to a “Unit”. (If a custom field in the Contract section can be defined as a date field how can it then be linked to a “Unit” so the expiry of the contract can be tracked and either viewed or printed in a “Monthly Expiry Report” to prompt a sales call to sell a renewal contract?)

The Contract Expiry located in the Client section does not seem to accomodate multiple Contract Expiry dates as was the case in AY1.9.


I will point you towards the topics and for previous posted information regarding contracts, banked service, and custom fields. Do review these as they may be more what you wish to do. If you have additoinal questions once reviewing these and other posts, do let us know.

lesmarI cannot seem to locate either in the Trial version of AY3 or in the Users Manual the steps required to set an expiry date for either a Contract or Preventative Maintenance program that is attached/linked to a “Unit”.

A contract can not be set within a unit’s entry screen - a contract can not be linked to a unit. A contract is linked to the client that owns the unit, but is not available for linking to the unit itself.

A contract can be selected in a client’s entry screen (as well as within a head office’s entry screen).

A contract’s expiry date is set within the client’s entry screen itself. In the client entry screen, select the contract, and select the expiry date for that client.

With a preventive maintenance order, you can set a Stop Generating Date within the preventive maintenance entry screen itself.

lesmarIf a custom field in the Contract section can be defined as a date field how can it then be linked to a “Unit” so the expiry of the contract can be tracked and either viewed or printed in a “Monthly Expiry Report” to prompt a sales call to sell a renewal contract?)

A custom field in one object can not be linked to another completely different object. Custom fields in a object would only be linked to that object. Custom fields created in the Contract entry screen would only be linked to that contract itself.

lesmar( The Contract Expiry located in the Client section does not seem to accomodate multiple Contract Expiry dates as was the case in AY1.9

AyaNova CE did not have multiple expiry dates for contracts. Contracts in AyaNova CE were very limited and only displayed the contract name. Contracts in AyaNova CE did not have an ability to denote discounts on parts, or specific rates for the client from within a service workorder.

That has been great information, thank you. I am still having some difficulty with the applicability of the information and what we want to do. Can we try another approach.

If I describe what we are trying to achieve can you tell me the ways (hopefully there are more than one) that AY3 can handle our needs?

I have a client that has multiple models and quantities of units that we provide prepaid scheduled preventative maintenance with more than one annual agreement/contract that start and stop at different times of the year. Clients with this PM program in place also receive a discounted labour charge for any additional service requirements that may occur during the term of the contract. Scheduling the PM’s and flagging the discounted labour rate is not an issue as these seem to be well handled. Knowing when the contract is due to expire is critical for renewals and to ensure clients receive labour discounts only when due!

I think we must be able to generate a report to list the clients and units, whose agreements are due to expire in any selected month, or is there another automated way to obtain this information with AY3?

Hi again

A suggestion:

What if you utilize the Purchase Date in the Unit entry screen as the Contract Expiry Date of the contract for that unit.

And instead of using the Warranty Override fields for warranty - use them for specifying contract information.

Use the Override Length as the length of the contract

Enter in the details of the contract in Override Warrenty Terms such as what labor to use, also a text entry of the expiry dateand other information.

And localize these fields for the Unit entry screen so they show as you are using them - similar to the topic

In this way when a unit is selected in a service workorder - the user sees right there the details of this contract.

There is not a specific feature for notification regarding a date field in the Units screen - so an event notification would not be possible right now.

But you could run a report to list the units that are up for contract entpiry based on that date.

View the Units navigation pane grid, sort to show the units by this Contract Expiry Date (previously Purchase Date). Perhaps filter to only show units that have this Contract Expiry Date that falls between certain dates, so you can print off a list of units and their customers that have upcoming expiry dates that need to be contacted.

Let me know how this works for you.

  • Joyce