I observed that the cost of the parts are not posting correctly on the parts grid for the service workorders. It always shows repairs costs, costs and even shipping costs as 0.00. Even though in the inventory grid, the cost of the parts are showing correctly in the PO’s and the PO receipts.
Thank you for bringing to our attention that the Cost column in the Parts grid in the Service navigation pane is displaying as 0$ regardless of what is entered for the part cost in that part’s entry screen. I have placed this issue on the maintenance to do list.
Also wanted to confirm with you that you realize that not all the fields you are referring to relate to Parts. The fields Repair Cost, Shipping Cost are not related to parts - they are related to the fields in the sub-screen Outside Service in the workorder item.
Open a workorder, select the Outside Service button on the left to view the workorder item’s outside service fields. You will now see the fields labeled Repair Cost; Repair Price, etc.
Select the Items grid in the Service navigation pane, right-click on a column heading so that you get the full list of every possible column that would display for this grid, sort it by the Column name.
You will note that in the the Items grid, and any of the sub-grids (including Scheduled Users, Labor, Parts, Travel, etc), the columns labeled Repair Price, Repair Cost, etc - refer to what is entered in the Outside Service sub-screen of a workorder item.
Only if you select Parts grid in the Service navigation pane, would you, in additon to being able to see the columns Repair Price, Repair Cost etc that refer to what is entered in the Outside Service for that workorder item record, you are also able to view the columns from the Parts sub-screen in the workorder item - including fields such as Part, Part Assembly, Part Category, Net, Cost, Discount, Sales Tax, Tax A, Tax B, Line Total, Used in Service, Warehouse.
Do note that I do see where the column Cost is displaying as 0$ regardless of what is entered for the part cost in that part’s entry screen and have placed this issue on the maintenance to do list. Thank you again for bringing this to our attention.
- Joyce
Hi again
Just an update - with the v3.2.4 QuickFix available from the Known Issues & Updates area of this forum http://forum.ayanova.com/Forum96-1.aspx, the part costs are now displaying in the grid
- Joyce