Custom Client Fields

If you go into Administration - Custom Field Design - Client. Set the First item to Visible, Field Data type is “True/False”, Field Name=Custom0, Key=Client.Label.Custom0, Custom Display Texr is “Collect Payment”

Bring up a client and the field show us - Perfect, I can set a default to collect payment or not. Go to modify a report - “Disptach Work Order”. Click on “Data Fields” and the Custom0 field is no where to be found? There are other custom fields under WorkOrderItem for the specific work order but nothing for the Client?

Is there any way to bring that Custom0 item into the Work order? I have tried all of the following to no avail:
reportDataSet1 - WorkorderHeader.WorkorderHeaderWorkorderItem.LT_WorkorderItem_Label_Custom0
reportDataSet1 - WorkorderHeader.LT_Workorder_Label_Custom0
reportDataSet1 - WorkorderHeader.LT_Client_Label_Custom0


Client Custom fields are not accessible via a service workorder report template.

Workorder item custom fields are accessible, as are the other workorder related datafields shown when you you expand on the Fields tab to see the Workorder dataset

As outlined in the topic the datafield is not showing as selectable in datafields for a report template, than they are not useable in that report template

  • Joyce

That is too bad - It would be nice to have the custom fields show up on the report - In fact VERY nice … Nudge, nudge, wink, wink.

Just wanted to post here a reminder about the new feature of AyaNova 6.5 and higher of using API Methods to include additional data in reports - include data that is not available from the datasets in the Field List such as the Client’s Custom fields.

Check out the examples in the API section of this forum