Once you have successfully updated, if you have an issue with a custom filter, please always provide specifics such as which grid, which column in that grid, exactly what are you selecting in Operator and in Operand in a custom filter, etc. Also, always provide exact text of any error message(s).
Hello Randy
I am not able to recreate an issue with the Filter Drop List.
Please provide exactly what you do in what grid so I can recreate here.
What navigation pane are you in?
What gird in that navigation pane are you in?
What column or columns in that grid do you filter?
Exactly what do you select for the filter(s)?
What does the Filter Drop List say at this point - does it say “Unsaved Filter”?
Do you than click on the Save button in the Filter Drop List?
What do you select and enter in the Filter window when saving?
Now what filter view is selected in the Filter Drop List?
Do you than edit what filter(s) on this select view or ?
What do you select than?
Please provide specifics
You also say performing the above “toasts the database” - I do need exactly what happens that gives you the impression the database needs to be restored - if you get an error message, provide all of the text of the error message.
This is very important for us to be able to recreate what is occurring for you, so that we can help you and provide a fix if there is an issue.