Custom logo.bmp will not display on the standard format Detailed Completed Workorder report

NOTE the following information is for AyaNova CE and is not relevant to AyaNova v3 or higher. AyaNova v3 or higher uses an internal report designer, so no need for Crystal Reports.

The AyaNova Manual section “Using Your Logo On Reports” starting on page 236 contains detailed information.

Please confirm each of the following:

  1. custom logo.bmp file must be located in C:\Program Files\AyaNova directory on the computer you are running AyaNova on as this is the exact location that the report file looks for a logo.bmp file

  2. ensure the the custom logo.bmp is in lowercase, and not labeled logo.BMP, or LOGO.bmp etc

  3. ensure BMP type files are associated with Windows Paint

  4. ensure that the custom logo.bmp file matches the dimensions and size as specified in the AyaNova Manual section on using a custom logo.bmp file with your Detailed Completed Workorder report

  • no larger than 50K in file size

  • no larger than 227 wide and 50 high pixels

  1. if the database location is on shared computer, also create a folder on the server with the path of C:\Program Files\AyaNova and copy only the customized logo.bmp file here (or if the AyaNova program is installed, also copy the cusotm logo.bmp to this exact location). In this way, when the report is accessed, the report will check the server’s local hard drive location of C:\Program Files\AyaNova for the logo.bmp file.

If the above do not address the issue:

  1. Insert the custom logo.bmp file directly into the wofull.rpt Detailed Completed Workorder report using Crystal Reports 9 or higher.

  2. Or zip up your custom logo.bmp file that matches the dimensions and size as specified in the AyaNova Manual section on using a custom logo.bmp file with your Detailed Completed Workorder report, and zip up a copy of your wofull.rpt file from your AyaNova database folder, and send both of these via direct email with a nicely worded request to have us do this for you.

I inserted the logo.bmp in both places whereyou instructed me, and it still did not work.

What is the Crystal Reports comment below all about?

As outlined in the AyaNova Manual, you can utilize Crystal Reports 9 or higher to customize any of the reports that come standard with AyaNova, such as inserting your logo directly into the report.

Update: as per step #7, bradwarner sent us a copy of his wofull.rpt file and his custom logo.bmp file

The logo.bmp file provided was not within the dimensions stated in the AyaNova Manual section on using a custom logo.bmp file.

The dimensions as outlined in the AyaNova Manual are:

  • no larger than 227 wide and 50 high pixels

  • less than 50k

For those reviewing topics relating to the custom logo.bmp file, because AyaNova utilizes the Crystal Reports printing engine, the requirements are specific as to size and location and so on. For your own convenience, it is suggested toreconfirm your file and your settings.

I did all the things said here I even deleted the original logo bitmap, but it still shows up on reports, why should I need to use crystal reports, or have to email it, what is the problem? Just out of curiosity. It is probably something else not listed that I am not doing or doing wrong?

Thanks in advance,


Hello Rich

All the steps to use the custom logo are listed above, as well as in the AyaNova Manual on using a custom logo.bmp file with the Detailed Completed Workorder report.

Reporting in AyaNova utilizes the Crystal Reports printing engine. We have not been able to get a solution from Crystal Reports when in some instances this process doesn’t work - therefore we offer the option of sending us your custom logo.bmp to have us embed it directly into the wofull.rpt file if you do not have Crystal Reports to do it yourself.

The report utilizes an embedded logo.bmp file that it utilizes if no logo.bmp file is found in C:\Program Files\AyaNova (on the local computer and on the computer where the AyaNova database is shared from) which is why deleting the logo.bmp does not remove the “Your Logo Here” on the report.

As outlined in the AyaNova Manual section on using a custom logo.bmp file with the Detailed Completed Workorder report, if you do not wish a logo to display on this report at all, you can set to utilize the wofullnologo.rpt in the Printing Options instead of using the default wofull.rpt file - or send us the requested files to have us embed directly.

The next generation AyaNova will include an internal report writer so reports that come standard with the next generation AyaNova can be customized by yourself without the need for a third party report writer like Crystal Reports.