I’m trying to restore something I “undid.” The Customer Service Request Web form has a drop down with the label “serial number” that was populated (evaluation data) with what I think was unit serial numbers. I “de-activated” all those items since our functions are basically service related, and we have no units to service. So currently, that list is blank. However, I’m trying to gain some functionality from that drop down, if possible. I’ve tried going back and activating Units, and Unit Models, but the CSR serial number drop-down is still vacant.To whichtables should I be adding data in order to populate the CSR serial number drop down?
The Serial Number field in the Service Request entry screen for a client that has logged in via WBI displays what units you have entered in AyaNova that belong to that client that is logged in via WBI.
For example, let’s say ABC Accounting logged in via WBI so they see the Client WBI where they can request service and view their workorders. When ABC Accounting makes a new service request, what is listed available for selection under Serial Number is their Units. If nothing is listed, this means that ABC Accounting has no active units entered.
To add units for that client so the client can select when making a new service request via WBI:
go to the Units grid in AyaNova
click to add a new unit (new empty Unit entry screen opens)
enter in Serial Number, select Unit Model, select the client ABC Accounting, enter other data as appropriate, save
now when ABC Accounting logs in via WBI and creates a new service request, they will be able to select from the Serial Number field any units you have already entered for them.
Aha! Then, whena client selects a serial number in the CSR, where does it show up, once the CSR has been converted to an active work order? In the service notes, like the Reference number?
The unit selected in the Serial Number field in the Customer Service Request equates to the Unit field in the service workorder -
When you accept a CSR that has a unit selected in it, when the workorder is generated from it, that same unit is automatically selected in the service workorder’s Unit subsection that is made.
You can also find this in the AyaNova online Help section Customer Service Requests as that identifies what fields from the CSR correspond to what fields in a service workorder generated.