database sql2000 to sql2005?


We’re currently running the Ayanova DB on sql2000.

Is it possible to migrate the database to SQL2005 Express edition?

Are there any known issues regarding the migration?



With SQL you can always go “up” - you just cannot go back to an older version.

My suggestion would be the following :
-Ensure everyone is out of AyaNova and any other AyaNova related programs are shut down
-Make a backup of AyaNova on the SQL2000
-On the SQL 2005 server, restore the AyaNova SQL 2000 database
-Edit your AyaNova configuration file as needed to reflect the new server(i.e. if AyaNova 4, this would be the config.txt; if AyaNova 3 this would be the AyaNova.exe.config)
-Log in and confirm connecting correctly
-If AyaNova is networked, ensure all other AyaNova users configuration file is replaced

  • Joyce


Thank you for the fast and detailed reply!

We will schedule this migration soon!

again thank you! and keep it up!