Date Created and Date Modified datafields in Service Workorder report template

If possible I would like to seethe Workorder Item Status DateOrdered field populated by default with the workorder Creation Date, along withthe option to override the date if necessary.

Using AyaNovafor over a year now, only a few times have we needed tohave this date deviate from theWorkorder Creation Date.

The majority of our on-site calls that require a Dispatch Ticketusually have a single Workorder Item and not having to populate this field each time we create a workorder would save us some time.



Hi Bob

To clarify, do you mean what is by default localized as the"Request Date" in a workorder item record - the key WorkorderItem.Label.RequestDate - or do you mean a different field in the workorder entry screen?

Thank you for clarifying this.

  • Joyce

Hi Joyce,

You had the correct field but I forgot we localized it from “Request Date” to “Date Ordered” months ago.

Forget that idea! I can see it maynegatively impactother customers.

The only reason we localized the field in the first place was so we could print the date the customer requested service on the Dispatch Ticket in order to show them our excellent response time.The tradeoff to accomplishthisiswe have to make an additional entryeach time a workorder is created.

Utlimately if the Work Order creation date (Date this record was created) was available in the Report Writer the problem would be solved. We could also remove localization of that field.

That is my new wish. :smiley:



Hi again Bob

I see what you mean - so that the actual date the workorder was created can be shown against the actual labor service date.

I’ve placed this on the list for development to look into. Thank you for your great suggestion.

  • Joyce


Just wanted to post that the Record Created and Record Modified dates are now available in a detailed Service Workorder report template

  • Joyce

Thank you!

Hi Joyce,

Having these fields available works great for our Workorder reports!

Is there a possibility to have them added to the Service Workorder Grid? In particular we would use them forreports we created from theLabor and Parts sub-grids.

Many Thanks,


Hi again Bob

We have it our on list to add to a future version. We do not have an ETA at this time.

  • Joyce