Default Screen in Workorders

Greetings! I have searched this forum and the manual and have not found an answer yet. Is there a way to choose which sub-item of a Workorder is the default displayed when a Workorder is opened? For example, if I click on a Workorder and open it, I always see the Unit screen first. Is there a way to set a preference to show another sub-item, like labor for example?



The default when creating a new workorder or opening an existing is to show the Unit sub-screen under workorder items. There is not a setting to change the default as built into the entry screen itself. Defaulting to the first sub-screen Unit was determined because of the ability to have multiple workorder items each for a different unit - you will want to ensure you are viewing the workorder item for the correct Unit before entering data.

Do note that if you create a new workorder by right-clicking on a client, the workorder will default to displaying the Labor sub-screen - this is to facilitate quickly entering phone service.

Also if you create a new workorder by right-clicking on a unit, the workorder will also default to displaying the Labor sub-screen (Unit is already selected in the Unit sub-screen)

  • Joyce

That makes sense, thanks for the quick response.