In AyaNova v3, how do I enter more information…(such as adding the client reference number, or anything else I need,)to the Workorder Item Status printed sheet.
nl5467 (2/7/2006)In AyaNova v3, how do I enter more information…(such as adding the client reference number, or anything else I need,)to the Workorder Item Status printed sheet.
To enter more information to display on an existing sample report template, you would customize it using the internal report designer.
Any of the sample report templates that come with AyaNova v3 can be customized; as well you can create new report templates for use with AyaNova v3.
The AyaNova v3 Manualhas information on cusotmizing report templates, and a number of tutorials on customizing reports starting on page 591 in the Jan 26th release of the AyaNova v3 Manual that we invite you to go through.