If when moving an AyaNova SQL database, or upgrading your AyaNova SQL database, you receive the following error when you run AyaNova
FATAL AyaNova.clsMain - First initialization and connect attempt
System.Security.SecurityException: This AyaNova database appears to have been modified outside of the AyaNova program or is damaged in some way.
This may very rarely be caused by corruption but is more likely a result of someone tampering with the database and making changes outside the AyaNova program.
Your data is probably ok, but the database is not in a supportable state and will need to be returned to it’s proper state.
Please provide the following information to AyaNova technical support for assistance:
and then it goes on to list all of the tables in the AyaNova database…
This is because as the error says - the database appears to have been modified
Starting with AyaNova 5, AyaNova has database “fingerprinting” where it compares your database against what is expected. If additional tables or columns have been added or the database schema modified, AyaNova will not start to prevent additional problems arising as a result from those that have modified their database.
If you get a message loading AyaNova that the AyaNova database appears to have been modified and then it lists all the tables in the AyaNova database, and at the end of the list it shows a table called dtproperties, what has occurred is that at some time, someone in your organization created a diagram of the AyaNova database using SQL Enterprise Manager which created this additional table. **You need to delete the table dtproperties and then run AyaNova again.
If instead you get a message loading AyaNova that the AyaNova database appears to have been modified and then it lists all the tables in the AyaNova database, and at the end of the list it doesn’t show a table called dtproperties, send us the ayalog.txt file from your server where this occurred so that we can see it and help you identify what table/field as been added to the AyaNova database which should not have been done.