Explanation of error if saving PO that has part request made by a now deleted AyaNova user

[forum note: issue no longer occurs with latestAyaNova 6.2]

Error that occurs:

The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint “FK_APURCHASEORDERITEM_AUSER”. The conflict occurred in database “AyaNovaMINE”, table “dbo.AUSER”, column ‘AID’.
The statement has been terminated.


Attempting to save a PO that has a part request item made by an AyaNova user that has been deleted.

Error occurs because PO is unable to display the user’s name in the Requested By field because the user has been deleted.


Would need to delete the part request from the workorder and recreate it logged in as a valid user


Next maintenance update will prevent a user from being deleted if has requested parts. Would need to delete the part requests before being able to delete the user. It is always recommended to set a user to inactive instead of trying to delete, especially if has been used to do any work in AyaNova.

[forum note: issue no longer occurs with latestAyaNova 6.2]