Extend my evaulation?

I need to extend my evaluation period. Please allow me to re-install for another 30-day trial.

I am very close to a firm decision with our Service Manager (Air Conditioning Division).

He can be contacted at larry.khan@ansamcal.com

I am the IT Manager responsibile for evaluating and recommending system solutions.

We may be looking at a possible 20-Technician license.

Please advise.


Robert M.


We would be happy to send out a 30 day temporary keycode that will unlock your trial AyaNova completely for 30 days so that you can fully try out all features without limitations. Please send the following information directly to support@ayanova.com (do not post private information on the forum)

Your company name
Your company full address and contact information
Your full name
Your web URL if you have one
Number of AyaNova v3 scheduleable users to be licensed for

I look forward to hearing from you.

  • Joyce