Failure to strart Program

When trying to open AvaNova, I am getting a message that cannot find sc.exe cannot be found.

I also want to know if is possible to move from the current computer to our new server? Can we save the data?

Below is our support data found on the computer.

AyaNova CE support data compiled: Sep.29.2004 08:28:39

Company: Com Express Inc.
Program path: F:\Program Files\AyaNova\sc.exe
DB Path: F:\Program Files\AyaNova\Database
DB Version: 171
Program version: AyaNova Classic Edition

Short date format: [M/d/yyyy]
Currency symbol: [$]
Language: [English]
Country: [United States]

Computer name: [CHANCE]
Operating system: [Windows XP Professional Version: Service Pack 1]

Drive information:
C:\ - Fixed drive
D:\ - CDROM drive
E:\ - CDROM drive
F:\ - Fixed drive
L:\ - remote network drive

RAM: 260096 kb of physical memory
RAM: 77 percent of memory is in use

ADO Version : 2.7
DBMS Name : MS Jet
DBMS Version : 04.00.0000
OLE DB Version : 02.10
Provider Name : MSJETOLEDB40.DLL
Provider Version : 04.00.8227

LOGO FILE INFORMATION (c:\Program Files\AyaNova\logo.bmp)
File details:LOGO.bmp C:Sep.28.2004 14:29:10W:Sep.29.2004 08:27:2612 KB crc: b8a7d601
Is it sample?:Logo is custom
BMP opens with: F:\WINDOWS\system32\mspaint.exe (Microsoft Paint)

Files in program folder: C:Jun.24.2004 11:49:56W:Jun.24.2004 11:47:5144 KB crc: 917ce39a
allwo.rpt C:Mar.25.2004 19:07:52W:Mar.25.2004 19:07:1144 KB crc: 917ce39a C:Jun.24.2004 11:49:56W:Jun.24.2004 11:47:5045 KB crc: 5e8c18cf
allwobrief.rpt C:Mar.25.2004 19:07:52W:Mar.25.2004 19:07:1145 KB crc: 5e8c18cf
aras.ttx C:Sep.20.2004 17:44:55W:Sep.20.2004 17:46:14412 bytescrc: f1f23666
atl71.dll C:Mar.18.2003 18:05:58W:Mar.18.2003 18:05:58104 KB crc: 6de48669
AYASERV.CPE C:Oct.19.2001 14:57:16W:Oct.19.2001 14:57:163 KB crc: e4bf32a6
AyaServ.exe C:Sep.17.2003 18:14:42W:Sep.17.2003 18:14:42864 KB crc: 07efdda8
AYAService.exe C:Jun.30.2003 16:49:24W:Jun.30.2003 16:49:2444 KB crc: 1d95d812
AYAService.ini C:Jun.28.2003 17:46:30W:Jun.28.2003 17:46:30179 bytescrc: 7e8bf32d C:Jun.24.2004 11:49:56W:Jun.24.2004 11:47:5028 KB crc: 81c58787
billsum.rpt C:Mar.25.2004 19:07:52W:Mar.25.2004 19:07:1128 KB crc: 81c58787 C:Jun.24.2004 11:49:56W:Jun.24.2004 11:47:5124 KB crc: 524445bd
cbclient.rpt C:Mar.25.2004 19:07:52W:Mar.25.2004 19:07:1124 KB crc: 524445bd C:Jun.24.2004 11:49:56W:Jun.24.2004 11:47:5124 KB crc: af2f0e1f
cbdate.rpt C:Mar.25.2004 19:07:52W:Mar.25.2004 19:07:1124 KB crc: af2f0e1f
ClassX.dll C:Jun.24.2003 10:47:16W:Jun.24.2003 10:47:16276 KB crc: b61b6363
classxps.dll C:Jun.24.2003 10:47:24W:Jun.24.2003 10:47:2424 KB crc: 8ec24c33 C:Jun.24.2004 11:49:56W:Jun.24.2004 11:47:5125 KB crc: 778f614c
clienteq.rpt C:Mar.25.2004 19:07:52W:Mar.25.2004 19:07:1125 KB crc: 778f614c C:Jun.24.2004 11:49:56W:Jun.24.2004 11:47:5124 KB crc: 7817deb4
clientpb.rpt C:Mar.25.2004 19:07:52W:Mar.25.2004 19:07:1124 KB crc: 7817deb4 C:Jun.24.2004 11:49:56W:Jun.24.2004 11:47:4917 KB crc: 2cb5780c
clientpm.rpt C:Mar.25.2004 19:07:52W:Mar.25.2004 19:07:1117 KB crc: 2cb5780c C:Jun.24.2004 11:49:56W:Jun.24.2004 11:47:5124 KB crc: 9cc2bbf5
clntadd.rpt C:Mar.25.2004 19:07:52W:Mar.25.2004 19:07:1124 KB crc: 9cc2bbf5
ctschedule.ocx C:Oct.21.1999 11:21:36W:Oct.21.1999 11:21:36228 KB crc: 1938c885

\Database Apr.30.2004 08:34:45
default.css C:Sep.01.2003 15:32:44W:Sep.01.2003 15:32:441 KB crc: 9b2b4a25
defaultmobile.css C:Aug.29.2003 11:24:08W:Aug.29.2003 11:24:08136 bytescrc: c7a1cb68

\faxdrvr Jul.23.2004 16:51:09
FMJR10.dll C:Jun.24.2003 10:48:10W:Jun.24.2003


You had indicated in a previous email that this computer and others on the network infected with virus’. Has these computers been cleaned? At that time, it was recommended to completely uninstall, and reinstall from scratch as programs, not just AyaNova could have been infectedand damaged. Has this been done?

The AyaNova program files should reside on the local harddrive. No computer should be running the AyaNova program itself over the network via another shared location. Only the AyaNova database folder with the AyaNova database file SCDATA.SC and the report files) should be shared.

The error message “sc.exe cannot be found” may occur due to access restrictions on the location of the AyaNova program files, problems accessing the hard drive where the AyaNova program resides, issues with your physical harddrive itself or issues due to the AyaNovainstallation.

Although your F:\ is listed as a fixed drive, is this an actual local harddrive on your actual computer where you are running AyaNova?

Is this F:\ an external hard drive?

What would be suggested is the following:

  1. Make a backup of your AyaNova database file SCDATA.SC and any customized reports.

  2. Perform an uninstallation of AyaNova via Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs and remove AyaNova

  3. Reboot the computer

  4. Open Windows Explorer and move to the location of the AyaNova program directory - in this case F:\Program Files\AyaNova and delete this entire folder and all its contents.

  5. Empty your Trash

  6. Run a complete defrag of this computer hard drive

  7. Run a hard drive check to ensure no physical problems with this drive

  8. Reboot.

  9. Log in with full access to the computer (Administrator) and perform the AyaNova installation as per the AyaNova QuickStart Guide.The AyaNova program should be installedto the C:\ in C:\Program Files\AyaNova and only the AyaNova database folder in a shared location on the network.

  10. Start AyaNova. It will start with a trial database. This is OK as you just want to first ensure AyaNova itself is running correctly.

  11. Close out of AyaNova

  12. Restore your backed up AyaNova database file SCDATA.SC to the AyaNova database folder and any custom report files (*.rpt) that you had also backed up

  13. Now load AyaNova again.

Let us know the results.

If you continue to experience an issue, please confirm where every computer has the AyaNova program located (on its local hard drive).

In regards to the question

comexpress (9/12/2005)I also want to know if is possible to move from the current computer to our new server? Can we save the data?

Please note only the AyaNova database folder and its files (the AyaNova database SCDATA.SC and all *.rpt file) can be located on a shared location on a network to be accessed by multiple computers at the same time.

Yes, you can move the AyaNova database folder and its files.

This is detailed in the AyaNova QuickStart Guide available from in the section “Changing the database location” starting on page 13

In basic, you would move the AyaNova database folder and its files to the new location, set FULL access rights for all AyaNova network users, and than edit the AyaNova icon properties Start In: location to point to the new database location.

Please refer to the AyaNova QuickStart Guide for details.

Again, please ensure users are not running the AyaNova program itself from a shared location, but do have the AyaNova program itselfinstalled locally.