Issue now fixed in AyaNova 6.5
Issue has been found with the “Is a subcontractor” field in the user entry screen that if you drop down to select an existing vendor that is of the type subcontractor, none will display even if you do have one or more subcontractor vendors.
Note the field “Is a subcontractor” is not a field that affects use of an AyaNovauser - this field is for future use and is not used at this time.
Solution at this time until a fix is provided in a maintenance update is to select the “Is a subcontractor” jump button which will open a new vendor entry screen, where you can enter in any information as long as save as a vendor type of subcontractor. Save. Exit. Which will return you to your user entry screen where when you now drop down the list, will show all available subcontractors. You can always delete the non-needed subcontractor after creation if needed.