German program translation available?

We now evaluate your very usefull tool. To use the program with our service team we need to have a german skin for ayaNova. Is it available from your site, or even possibe to translate it ourself? How can we solve our problem?


Hi Marco

YES - the AyaNova program includes a number of sample localizations - in English, German, Spanish and French.

To see an example of the sample localization for German in the trial AyaNova, log in as “german” with password “german” (no quotation marks and both in lowercase).

Default is set to English for all of the sample users but you can change the localizations for the sample users by changing the Default Localization field in a user’s entry screen if the AyaNova database is licensed.

You can also create and customize existing localizations.

Refer too, to more information in your AyaNova online Help section “Localized Text Designer”

Also, if you would like a temporary keycode to fully unlock the trial AyaNova so that you can fully try out all features, enter your own users and data with no limitations, do send an email to with the following information and we would be happy to send that to you:
-Under what company name the temporary keycode would be licensed for
-That company name full address and contact information
-Your web URL if you have one
-Number of scheduleable users to be licensed for

  • Joyce