Group multiple tasks to a single Unit in a workorder

Hi Joyce,

We have an upcoming project where we will be performing eight and more tasks on six different pieces of equipment (Units). One Unit has twenty-two tasks. We are going to assign one workorder per Unit.

Is there a quick easy way to group all of the tasks in each work order to a single Unit?

I would like us to only have to enter the Units six times (one per workorder), instead of having to enter them, in the case of this project… seventy-seven times.



Hi Bob

I would suggest to use the Tasks sub-screen of the workorder entry screen to select the pre-made tasks so you don’t have to type them in every time for each Unit.

For example:

Create a Task Group that identifies all possible tasks.
In the workorder entry screen, select the Unit
Than in the Tasks sub-screen for that workorder item for that unit, select the Task Group
You can select the row indicator and delete tasks that are not applicable for this Unit, or set those tasks to a Status of N/A (I would delete them so they don’t even show up)
This way you don’t have to retype in the information every time, and only the tasks that are appropriate for this unit would be identified in the list of tasks
If this isn’t what you were thinking, can you provide examples of what “tasks” involve - i.e is each task something specific, or is a task made up of “sub-tasks” etc

  • Joyce

Hi Joyce,

Thank you for the suggestion. The method you suggested did work. We now have a group of tasks per workorder, per unit, but some of the tasks ended up being out of the sequence they need to be performed when we grouped them. We need help getting the Grouped tasks to display in the workorders in sequence they need to be done.

First we entered 34 tasks in a Master Task list. Since the program only sorts tasks alphabetically we had to go back into the Master Task list and add prefixes to each task that allowed us to sort each task in the order we want using a numbering sequence of A1-Z9. For the first workorder this worked fine as we used all of the tasks from the Master List.

A number of these tasks in the Master Task list need to be performed repetitively but not always in the same sequence.

When we created the next workorder we only needed 7 tasks from the Master Task list but the problem created by assigning prefixes to tasks in the Master Task List is these tasks ended up in the wrong sequence when added to this workorder’s Task Group.

Is there a way to sequence the tasks in the Tasks Group in the order we need them performed?



Hi Bob

As the tasks are listedin a grid, they are only listed alphabetically as per the database engine. A suggestion is to make specific tasks for each task group, prefixed with the speciifc order to be listed.

  • Joyce


That will work great for us.

Can you give me a pointer on how to actually do it this way? I am sure I am doing something wrong but the only place I can findwhere I can edit and add a prefix to a task is in the Master Task list and that causes oursorting problems for repetitive tasks.

Wheredo I go to edit and add prefixes to the tasks I have already Grouped?



Hi again Bob

To edit existing tasks and to add new tasks is via the Task menu option within the Task Group entry screen.

-In a workorder, select the Tasks sub-screen in the workorder
-Select an existing Task Group from the drop down list
-This opens the Task Group entry screen
-Select the Tasks menu option at the top which opens the grid displaying all tasks entered where you can edit existing, and add new

My suggestion above is not to edit the existing tasks - because that would also cause your other Task Groups list of tasks to be affected - but to create specific tasks with the specific pre-fix for the order for the speciifc Task Group.

  • Joyce

Edit of previous steps:

-In a workorder, select the Tasks sub-screen in the workorder
-Select an existing Task Group from the drop down list
-Click on the Task Group jump button as normal
-This opens the Task Group entry screen
-Select the Tasks menu option at the top which opens the grid displaying all tasks entered where you can edit existing, and add new