NOTE: If receiving a similar issue with AyaNova 7 , do note that AyaNova 7 requires .NET Framework 4 not 3.5
If you encountered an issue where AyaNova runs fine on all other stations on your network except for one; and you have confirmed that this station does have .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 listed in your Installed Programs as installed; the issue may be that .NET is actually corrupted.
Your first recommendation would be to uninstall the .NET Framework, reboot, and than run Windows Update and download .NET 3.5 SP1 etc and apply. Reboot and than run AyaNova.
If AyaNova still is unable to load after, it may be that the step above did not actually fix, and may be of help. Do note that this link is provided as a suggestion only and does not imply our support of this product or guanantee that it will work - but its something to try instead of having to completely wipe the station and start again with a new OS installation and all Windows updates and .NET Framework installation.