Importing data

Is it possible to import a CSV file directly into the SQL backend?

At present I am importing data into Firebird then using your util from Firebird to SQL which is far from ideal.

Can you suggest a better procedure for the import?


Please provide the actual names of the utilitiies that you are using in the two different imports as the Import utilties we provide - ImportPartCSV, ImportClientCSV, ImportUnitCSV

Also note that the import utilities are not dependant on what AyaNova databaseserveris in use.

The AyaNova import utilitiesare for use with AyaNova - regardless whether using theAyaNova Firebrid database configuration or using an AyaNova SQLdatabase configuration.

Perhaps this is what the issue is? Do let me know that you are now importing directly into your AyaNova database using the provided utilities regardless whether you are using the AyaNova SQL configuration or the AyaNova Firebird configuration. If you are still experiencing an issue, do let me know exactly what import utility you are using, and exactly what steps you are doing and the issue so that I can help.

  • Joyce