Hi Colm
Preventative maintenance in AyaNova is a feature used to schedule recurring service by automatically creating a service workorder - reoccuring service that happens usually on a set Generate Time Span schedule (i.e every 7 days, every month, or every 6 months etc).
As Preventive Maintenance orders can be set to auto create a service workorder if using the AyaNova Generator - if you set a PM to advise you to contact a client, do note it would be creating a new workorder each time.
You could create a PM order with the first service date the next day.
Once it has created the service workorder for that date, edit the PM order’s Next Service Date to create a new workorder 3 days after that.
Once it has created the service workorder for that date, edit the PM order’s Next Service Date to create a new workorder 7 days after that, and so on.
But as noted above, the PM would be creating a new service workorder each time - and it would require editing the PM Next Service Date after each creation as the next service date would be different every time - not occurring on a repeating Generate Time Span.
What might be suggested is to instead create a Schedule Marker with the Source as the user who would be contacting the client, and identifying in the Notes the client name and the workorder.
Once this initial Schedule Marker is saved, than use the menu option in that Schedule Marker to duplicate the Schedule Marker for the other dates to contact the client regarding the service provided.
You could also, before the Schedule Marker is created, have the user who would be the Source for the Schedule Marker, subscribe to Notifications so that they are notified via Pop-up or Memo, etc that a Schedule Marker is imminent in case they forget to check the Schedule screen.
When the user checks the Schedule Marker (and/or receives notifcation about an imminent Schedule Marker) they can quickly enter the workorder number into the Direct Open menu option at the top to bring up the workorder, view particulars, obtain client phone number etc
Details on the follow up call could also be entered into the Client Notes so there is a history of having contacted the client.
Its an interesting idea that your topic has brought up for a future feature - a feature that allows you to create a " followup reminder" that would also be linked to the actual workorder - allowing you to retain a history of follow up calls with the particular workorder, the result of the follow ups, and to schedule follow up calls.
[Forum Note: AyaNova 4 now does have the Follow Up feature - refer to the AyaNova 4 Help file for details]
Many features suggested by AyaNova users are now in AyaNova v3. If you would like to add to the posting in the Wish List - with other ideas regarding this feature for development to review, that would be great.