Just a note on how frustrating one item can be on your Inventory Adjustments. When making multiple adjustments if you tag the line below, say to input another adjustment, but do not need that line you cannot save without imputing a part. This would not be a problem if you could put 0 qty but you cannot. If you try to delete line you get a “Unable to update data value”. You also cannot save in the middle of adjustments either as it closes it out. Why cannot you have the save button save your existing data so you do not loose it? and use the save and exit to save and close?
If you are doing multiple adjustments this gets VERY irritating and time consuming.
Hi Mark
I am able to recreate an issue if the following:
[li]I created a new Adjustment (it opens a new Adjustment entry screen)[/li][li]I select a part and entered a quantity of 2[/li][li]I clicked in the “gray” area, this time selecting a specific warehouse (so that the part is not yet selected).[/li][li]I then clicked on Save & Exit - the inventory adjustment of course can not be completed, because a part is not selected so I click on Ignore for the error so that it returns me to the Adjustment entry screen[/li][li]I select the row header and press the Delete button on my keyboard[/li][li]I receive the message “Are you sure you want to delete this record permently?” - I click on Yes[/li][li]The record that had no part selected is deleted without an issue.[/li][li]I then click on Save & Exit, now will receive the error “Error: a Part inventory adjustment item object can not be changed”[/li][/ol]Yes, there does appear to be an issue with saving an Adjustment the second time if you had tried to previously save when there was an invalid record (i.e. no part selected in one row) that you deleted after that first save.
Development has been advised of this issue.
At this time, it is recommended that you view the Adjustment entry screen before clicking on Save or Save & Exit to see if there are any red exclamation marks on any of the rows that indicate there is an issue that you must resolve before you can save.
cannot save in the middle of adjustments either as it closes it out. Why cannot you have the save button save your existing data so you do not loose it? and use the save and exit to save and close?
You can click on Save in an Adjustment entry screen, but note that does make that Adjustment no longer editable after that as per the message that appears when you click on Save for an Adjustment. This is to maintain correct inventory:
The new AyaNova 6.0 now if a part is not selected in a part adjustment record (i.e. just a quantity or warehouse), upon Save that record will be removed so that no error will occur.
Refer to the FAQ & Answers section http://www.ayanova.com/FAQAnswers.htm#Upgrading_from_AyaNova_5 on upgrading to AyaNova 6.0 from 5.1