Issues restoring a backup

I’ve attached a print screen that shows the problem i’m having.

When I run the restore command as listed in the help file is says that the backup file is compressed, and it is unable to restore.

Please help. We cannot access the AyaNova software now due to this issue.



Hi Jeff

The error you are getting is:

ERROR: unavailable database
ERROR: failed to create database C:\AyaNova\AYANOVA.FDB

  1. Confirm that you have deleted the existing C:\AyaNova\AYANOVA.FDB before attempting to restore - open Windows Explorer on this server and move to the C:\AyaNova folder - is there a AYANOVA.FDB still there? If so, delete it first, and then restore.

  2. Confirm that Firebird Server is running - open Control Panel -> Firebird Manager on this computer, is it running?

  3. Confirm that the aliaes.conf file in the Firebird folder does have a path to the Firebird database - i.e. it should have a line in it like


Let me know

  • Joyce
  1. Confirm that Firebird Server is running - open Control Panel -> Firebird Manager on this computer, is it running?

I overlooked that step and I read through it at least four times. I need to work on my reading skill I guess.

Thanks for your always prompt responces.
