Logging into AyaNova

I have re-installed AyaNova on our server after the computer where it was installed crashed. I lost our current database and restored from the last good database that we had in backup. I am getting the following messages when logging into AyaNova:

AyaNova Classic Edition

at EX standard:

CSpView: Unspecified error,

Operation must use an updateable query.

Query: UPDate users SET users.mail-True WHERE (((users.id)=23));

at EXStandare:

STATCBRS: Unspecified error,

Operation must use an updateable query.

Query: UPDate users SET users.mail-True WHERE (((users.id)=23));

I am also getting this third message

at EX Standard:

CDBUtils (RS): unspecified error;

Operation must use an updateable query.

Query: UPDATE defaults SET defaults.last main date=#10/03/2005#;

Then it opens to the work order list.

When trying to add a new work order, we get the following message:

CWOHeader Dlg(RS): ISispatch error #3081,

Cannot update, Database or object is Read-only/.

Cannot create new work order.

This error message can also be found answered on the old version AyaNova CETechnical Answers web page http://www.ayanova.com/AyaNovaCE/faq_technical.htmunder Errors and Issues Installing AyaNova.

This occurs when the user logged into the network on this computer does not have full rights to the AyaNova database folder and files.

Review the AyaNova CEQuickStart Guide installation information regarding installing in a network environment. The AyaNova CE QuickStart Guide is available from http://www.ayanova.com/AyaNovaCE/manual.htm

You can confirm this also by logging into the computer itself as the network administrator, and than logging into AyaNova. As the network administrator has full network rights, this error would not occur.

Edit the rights of this network user so that they have full rights (read / write / create / delete ) to the AyaNova database folder and files.