How can the “Client Information” records be accessible through a remote interface to be used on a tablet or phone?
From within MBI, just click on the client’s hyperlinked name to view address or contact information
If mobile device has the ability, automatically call the phone number selected or email the email address selected.
See also Network & Remote Installation > MBI - optional minimal browser interface > MBI Use for details and screenshots of MBI use
Also try out your device and viewing client’s contact information via the demo MBI via the link at the bottom of
- Joyce
Thanks Joyce, if I am not mistaken, this is referring to client contact information. I am referring to client information records accessed via the client information icon at the top of the desktop screen. We store many vital client records here all categorized that would need to be accessible from the mobile browser to make it more usefull.
Hello again
Yes, you are correct, my information was referring to client contact information.
The information that the optional add-on MBI (mobile browser interface) provides access to is identified via Network & Remote Installation > MBI - optional minimal browser interface > MBI Use
To access a client record’s Wikipage, Wikidocs, service history etc, do so via the Windows desktop AyaNova 7.x program, or via logging into your WBI (web browser interface)
- Joyce