Move data to new server


I have just been assigned the task of moving AyaNova program data to a new server. This is the first time I heard of Ayanova, and I have no idea how it works.

I will break it down in the the steps I did, or tried to do:

  • Determine the program version. Running help-about gives “build version 171”, but that matches nothing useful on this forum thatI can find.
  • Determine the type of database used. No idea. I do not see Firebird as an installed service, but I do see MS SQL. However, the MS SQL management says there are no databases installed on this server.
  • Determine stand-alone or network. Definitely network, four users all at different workstations, all sharing the same data.
    -Data location: found that. Located in a shared folder on the file server that is about to be scrapped.
  • Find workstation configuration that allows changing of data location. Can’t find this one. Well hidden, wherever it is.

So… what do I need to do to move the data and keep everything working?

AyaNova is a very old version of AyaNova. Whereas the latest version of AyaNova is

AyaNova used a file sharing database with Microsoft Jet database engine. does not use Firebird Server or SQL in any way.

Refer to the AyaNova CE documentation. In the AyaNova CE QuickStart Guide page 10 is the section on networking AyaNova I do recommend that you review to get an overview of this before proceeding.

And than on page 13 is specific information about changing the database location - basically is once you have moved the database folder and all of its files and provided full read/write/delete access for any AyaNova user, you than need to go to each computer that runs the AyaNova program and edit their desktop icon’s Start In: fieldto point to this new location. Do refer to the QuickStart Guide for actual details.

If you have any questions after reviewing this QuickStart Guide, do let me know.

  • Joyce