No Charge Hours Calculation report

After I upgrade to version 3.3, this No charge hours calculationreport ( is no longer displaying the client name and details. I tried to add the band prefix, somehow I have not been successful. Could you help please


Hi Raymond

Please export a copy of the report template, zip it using WinZip and attach so I can import it and see what report template you are referring to and what is occurring in it.

  • Joyce

Hi Joyce,

The problemhas beenfixed by your recent posting


Good to hear. After the post by you, I went through the samples that were listed in Additional Sample Report Templates & Tutorials section of this forum and found that one that needed to be edited.

  • Joyce

Joyce, I downloaded this report that you modified. Thank you again for this! I was going through the report template after I imported it and noticed that the Summary at the bottom, just below the client signature, for the No Charge hours does not show up even when there are hours that should be totalled there. I took a quick look at the scripts, but could not see why they were not visible. Any help is always appreciated. Thanks in advance!


I will take a look and post back

  • Joyce


I see what is going on - let’s say you have two Labor records, one is a No Charge Hours followed by an actual charge of hours, than what will occur with this report template is that it won’t show the no charge total at the bottom of the report.

If you have only No Charge hours, than the no charge total at the bottom of the report template will display correctly.

I will look into why it is doing this and post back.

  • Joyce

Determined that if had a second labor item without No Charge Hours, the amounts would not show. Also determined that if had multiple workorder items with labor and no charge hours, the amounts would not show. And in some cases the yellow fields would show even though no No Charge Hours due to not having been zero’d out from previous - end result is, have edited the sample report template with the following:

  1. Added the following to the OnBeforePrint for the DetailReportItemLabor band dir=ltr " ">

//declare the variable as zero for use in the groupfooter for Labor
decimal WONetNC = 0;
private void OnBeforePrint(object sender, System.Drawing.Printing.PrintEventArgs e) {

  1. Added the following lines to the OnBeforePrint for the xrLabel15 field dir=ltr " ">

//this maintains a running total of hours for the groupfooter for this workorderitem
WONetNC += Convert.ToDecimal(NCQty);

  1. Removed the existing OnBeforePrint and OnSummaryCalculated scripts for xrNetNCSum, as well as removed the data binding to the NoChargeQuantity data field, and removed the Summary settings for this field

  2. Added a OnBeforePrint script for xrNetNCSum so it displays the running total of WONetNC, or if zero, doesn’t display at all dir=ltr " ">

private void OnBeforePrint(object sender, System.Drawing.Printing.PrintEventArgs e)
if (“0.00”==(string.Format("{0:n2}", WONetNC)))
xrNetNCSum.Text = string.Format("{0:n2}", WONetNC);

  1. Edited the OnBeforePrint script for xrNetNCLabel with the following dir=ltr " ">

private void OnBeforePrint(object sender, System.Drawing.Printing.PrintEventArgs e)
if (“0.00”==(string.Format("{0:n2}", WONetNC)))

  1. Added an OnAfterPrint script for the groupfooter for with the following to zero out the WONetNC for the next workorder item dir=ltr " ">

private void OnAfterPrint(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
WONetNC = 0;

Download the new March1 Sample Service Workorder withNo Charge Amount

Sorry for the trouble! Thanks so much for the time you have spent…:slight_smile:

Thank YOU for bringing it to my attention! - when I created the sample report template, I must not have had various No Charge Hours set up in different workorders to see what the result is.

Again, thank you for letting me know so that I could fix it

  • Joyce