EBCS (11/24/2006)
That is why I wish to be able to select a Schedulable User from the Service Workorders grid. Then I need not be concerned with workorder items because they are not part of that grid.
Ok, I think I’m starting to understand, you want to view the workorder list, the main, top workorder list filtered by a technician if they appear anywhere on that work order. I see where the confusion is coming from on this one, it’s because of our understanding of the internal nature of how the grids work so we just don’t even think about that top list like that; it was like you were speaking in a foreign language. 
Every column that appears on a grid and is filterable has to involve data that is available to that grid as a SQL server query (behind the scenes).
Ayanova stores all data in a non redundant way, i.e. no table every contains the same information more than once as much as possible. That’s why the technicians name isn’t simply stored in the same table as the work order, it’s super inefficient to do that and would result in many bad things happening.
So with data being in their own tables when a grid query is performed the tablesare joined together during the query, so the workorder header table is joined to the workorder items table which is in turn joined to the Workorder Item scheduled users table for scheduled techs (and dozens more obviously that aren’t important to what we’re talking about).
So when you get the main workorder header grid (the top grid you can choose in the workorder tree in the left pane) the query is fast and includes only information from one table (not literally but pretty much like that).
Every level you go down that tree more and more tables have to be brought in tofulfil the needs of the information displayed at that level.
If we were to include the users scheduled on the workorder in that grid we would have to join the workorder items table then the workorder item scheduled users table just to get at that info which would in effect create the same thing as the scheduled users grid you see now.
The problem is that the only place the data is stored about what techs are scheduled on a workorder is in that workorder item scheduled users table so it has to be queried to filter the workorder list by user.
There is no feasible option to tell the query that we just want any workorder headers where a table two joins deep under it contains a record that both exists for that workorder (matches it) and also has the selected (filtered) user in it. By doing that query we automatically return all the records that match that scheduled user, not just one.
It’s a technical issue that is not feasible to do at this point with the existing grids. However, that being said, ifI reword this wish list item as something like “Add a new grid to display a list of workorders that a selected technician appears on”, then we can look at some completely different way of accomplishing this and the task you have in mind.
I’ll add it to our list to look into this, but I must warn you that it’s not currently feasible at all with what we have now for the existing grids so it will have to be examined when we go over the potential new features to see how and if we can support it.