Wanted to post another sample report template showing an example of a script used to prefix text to the workorder number.
This can also be used as an example to refer to if want to prefix text to any data field.
This report template is a copy of the Sample Detailed Service Workorder with Grand Total
Download Custom Detailed with Script Prefixing XXX to WO Number
Download and extract, and import into AyaNova.
Report will display for selection from the Service Workorders grid in the Service navigation pane.
Preview the report so you can see that it shows your workorder numbers with XXX prefixed
Open report template in your report template designer
Use your mouse to select the xrLabel1 field (where the workorder number displays) and view its Properties
You will note that there is no data bindings
You will note that there is now a Before Print script
View the script
You will see that the LT_O_Workorder is called via the script as well as prefixing the XXX to it.
Use this example to customize your own report templates