I have one computer that runs Ayanova as a remote client via a mapped drive. When a job is submitted for printing the error pasted below is displayed. The host computer prints jobs fine.
Error: AyaNova asked the Crystal Reports RDC printing engine
to print your report, but the RDC returned the following error instead:
Code = 432ba0
Code Meaning = IDispatch error #14563
Source = Crystal Reports ActiveX Designer
Description = Invalid TLV record.
This error came at the point where AyaNova had just asked the RDC to
open report z:\Database\wodispst.rpt.
[AyaNova Technicial Support response]
See the “Errors and problems printing” page on our web site at [b]http://www.ayanova.com/AyaNovaCE/faq_technical.htm[/b]
which provides the following information:
This error may occur because required files on the computer have been modified or corrupted. Perform the following:
-Ensure you have a good backup of AyaNova database
-Download the latest AyaNova CEinstallation file
-Shut down all running programs on your computer
-Open up Control Panel -> Add/ Remove Programs and remove AyaNova
-Reboot your computer
-Make sure to log into the computer with full access
-Run the latest AyaNova installation file (install to previous location and do not worry, it does not overwrite your existing database)
-When indicated that the installation is finished, reboot your computer
-Log into the computer with full access
-Now log into AyaNova and print reports.
-Log into the computer as normal and run AyaNova as normal. If you have additional issues, confirm user rights to the database folder and files.