PTI Billing Expenses

When expenses are put in and pushed to to Peachtree it doesn’t take any of the description. All that is entered is the dollar amount and a Description in Peachtree of Misc. Is this what is expected? If it is can we migrate this to a feature request to have the description properly transferred over?



Hi Chris

I can certainly move this in to the Wish List section for development to look into adding as a new feature to PTI that it takes the Description from the AyaNova workorder items’ Misc Expense record - although it might have to be the Misc Expense Summary field just because the Description field can have more than 60000 characters, whereas the Misc Expense Summary field is limited to just over 200 so that it can fit for the Peachtree invoice

  • Joyce


Well actually that would be fine as well if it used the Summary. The issue is that it didn’t send what was in the Misc. Exp Summary field or Description. It literally justsent “Misc.” as the expense description on the Peachtree invoice.



Hi Chris

In your Peachtree, do open up theitem entry screen that you have selected as linked for Misc Expenses from AyaNova. For example, if the Peachtree item is called Misc., view its entry screen in Peachtree. That’s what is taken when the Peachtree item is billed in the Peachtree invoice.

But do note that you can edit the Descriptive Text that will show in the Peachtree invoice after the billable items and have it include the Summary data as well as the Description. See

  • Joyce

You’re right, I just checked andaccounting had never setup that section. Off the wish list this goes as it’s already there!

